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Another good one I got the other day. Fully rigged.8) 8)


Can you find the Parker in this shot??????? Taken from inside Falkner's Island Lighthouse located in Long Island Sound off the coast of CT.

Sweet boat!! I love the green hull too. I didn’t know it was a Parker option. Very nice especially on the 2530. Now you got me thinking on another project. Thanks for the pictures. Do you have some of the interior?? How does the inboard perform? Top speed? Plane easy? :?:
Here is a photo of Empty Pockets after I towed her home.

I don't have the name painted on her yet in this photo as I had that done two days ago.


Kevin G.
Nice, another 2530!

Kevin - What is that extra vent hole forward of the fresh water vent???? My 2530 doesn't have that option.
Hello Bryan,

It is the holding tank vent.

I have an electric flush head.

It flushes into a holding tank or overboard.

Do you have the flushing head option?

Do you have the flushing head option?

No, the previous owner didn't check that box. It is something I would like to add. Care to share any picks of the factory install? Any insight would help. Where do they put the holding tank??

The holding tank is installed in the center of the hull, pretty much between the Navigator and Helm stations.

The water pickup for the head is on the forward part of the hull on the Port side as is the through hull outlet.

There is a seacock on both of those fittings and a 'Y' selector in the middle of 'em. One way goes to the holding tank, the other directly overboard.

Now that you mention it . . . I am not sure where the pump for the water for the head is . . . I have only test flushed it when doing the sea trail! LMAO. It does work however, I heard it working . . . flushed into the holding tank that I have to have sucked out now. Darnit.

Thanks for reminding me! I had forgotten that I need to get that sucked out! :!: :roll: :!: There is only sea water in the holding tank . . . but that has gotta go.

I will see if I can get to the boat this weekend and get some photo's of the head's plumbing for you.

Kevin G.

I will see if I can get to the boat this weekend and get some photo's of the head's plumbing for you.

That would be great. Thanks

Is the holding tank in the forwartd bilge section or faomed into the hull somewhere. The forward bilge on my boat is such a huge part of wasted space, I always thought there was a better use for it.
Here are some photos of holding tank from a '96 with a manual head.

Port in the vee has the y-valve to go to the holding tank or overboard. As mentioned the holding tank is between the pilot and port seat in the floor. The water intake is there.


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Well . . . so there you go Bryan,

Thanks dcunniff, you pretty much provided the photos!

With the electronic head, there isn’t the manual plumbing to the side of the head.

In my boat (2005 . . . built late 2004). the through-hull raw water pickup, the through-hull discharge and the ‘Y’ selector are located in (and though) the Port side V-Birth storage hold.

In my center hold (where the holding tank is), there is only the tank and the hoses: no through-hull fittings. In dcunniff’s boat, there is (what look to be) the through-hull raw water pickup. There is a hose that looks to terminate below another in the photo and I can’t quite make it out.

Judging from the placement of the through-hull fittings in dcunniff’s boat: the through-hull fitting appear much closer to the keel than mine. I will get a shot of the Port side to show the placement of mine.

I don’t see the ‘Y’ selector in these shots.

Is selector and the through-hull discharge located in the Port side V-Birth hold dcuniff? It would make sense if it was.

But in any event Bryan . . . there ya go! Ask and you shall receive.

Nice site folks! (really!!)

It is a good thing when folks share information!

Kevin G.
Hello Bryan,

I went to the boat today and got some photo’s for you.

I was incorrect when I said both the raw water pickup and through-hull discharge were both located in the Port side V-Birth hold. There is the Y selector and the through-hull discharge only. Well . . . a bunch of tubing as well.

Here are a photo taken from directly above the Port V-Birth hold.


The centerline hold where the holding tank is: also has the raw water pickup. It looks like I have a touch of bilge water to address as well.


What is odd (and I only noticed it when looking at the photos when I got home) is that I don’t see the pump for the head! I am going to have to get back there and stick my head into whatever hatch I can find. I know I have one!! LMAO :roll:

Here is a shot of the head. A pretty neat install. All the plumbing is off to one side.


Here is a shot of the hull. Our raw water pickup's are in the same place (low on the keel), the other through-hull in this shot is the overboard discharge.


I hope this helps you with your project!

Kevin G.
Here's another shot of the holding tank.

The hoses can be figured out along with the view from others.

There's an inlet from the head to the holding tank. There is a low discharge line for suction emptying of the holding tank. The higher, smaller line is the vent line. The black line with the valve is the raw wate inlet to the head. Then you see the forward bilge pump and float.

The port side of the vee, not shown, in mine with the manual head has the y-valve from the head to go to the tank or out through the through hull there.

One of you may have asked how older 2530 with I/O takes off, etc. Does fine, with a DuoProp and fuel injected V-8. Don't need trim tabs or trim on the outdrive to get on plane. Usually just adjust for wind, waves, or people moving around.

Here's a few photos as you asked. I didn't go overboard as many of these have been posted before.



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Here's another view (funny how being asked about holding tank and electric head setup when lot of Parker owners don't even like the porta-potties).

Here is a view looking back from the vee to show the 14.5 gal holding tank in the floor.

For the other question I forgot. 5.7 L 2530 I/O for my age does about 30 mph tops, cruise 25-27 mph.

Fuel injected, fresh water cooled engine, 150 gal fuel tank, The GI engine then had 4200-4600 top end, I run at 3600 cruise to get the 25-27 mph. I could get slight more if I carried less weight.

Volvo also had a GSI at the time that got another 20 HP or could get bigger than a 5.7 L.

This engine for the age has the throttle body fuel injection. Newer models have multiport injection.



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Thanks guys! I go fishing for the day and when I get back I have a whole pictorial expose' on flushing heads. :D

Where your holding tanks are I have an 8" pie plate hatch that goes into a cavernouse forward bilge. (wasted space) I was thinking about putting an extra fuel tank there, now I have decide if I want it to hold something else. :shock:

Kevin - my dinette is set up just like Dana's

Dana - what is the extra cushion on top of the forward dinette seat?? Backrest?

Thanks for the info and nice boats!!!!
Bryan, the backrest against the back wall of the 2530 in the photo is factory.

The extra cushion on the front dinette seat is one I made extra. People standing in front of this seat looking out the forward window sometimes see well and if they are short they can't see when they sit on this cushion. I had the extra cushion made with some snaps to put over the existiing cushion for people that want to sit on the cushions and see out the front.

Couple more views of 2530 cabin, in a '96.



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Going through some summer pictures and found another one. Feel free to post more pics guys to get us through the cold season. I will be fishing the 2530 for atleast another month but the pics help during the windy days.:D

I started this note and lost power in the house for a couple hours.

My boat has been out of the water since Columbus Day weekend and since it is raining it is being covered over tomorrow for the winter.

Won't have any new photos but I can clear out recent ones.

Here it is after being cleaned and staged in my driveway after hauling.

How about an overloaded cocktail queen cruiser, will have to wait another season for such sights.

My last fishing trip getting skunked days before I hauled it so it was cocktails into darkness at the dock after the last ride.



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Here is a pic that was taken with a disposable camera, after a scan, crop and a little touch up I think it looks OK. A little fuzzy but you get the idea.
