I will agree with the twin axle suggestion. You can get 7000 pound axles for a carrying capacity of around 12k. Absolutely, positively get 16 inch wheels to have a choice of heavy tires (such as GY Endurance or Michelin XPS rib).
If you trailer regularly (not just twice a year), spend some money and get a quality trailer. Nothing in boating is more expensive (and frustrating) than a cheap trailer.
I have a Rolls Axle and would recommend that brand (although I have found them a bit unresponsive to small requests after the sale).
So you think you want a Tri- axle? I'd never own a Tri- Axle again.....Last one was 12,000lb..... Tri-axles a VERY hard on tires......Oh yea....They are fine in a stright line...But what about the turns? Well...It tries to tear the tire off via dragging it sideways.....It's a constant battle. At least 1 new tire per year. What would I do? Dual axle and have 2- 6000lb axles......I've preacjhed this before....You want a "Full" frame trailer...IE: the end of the trailer frame comes even with the transom. Not cantlivered bunks hanging 18in or 2ft aft of the rear crossmember.......You want Posi-Lube spindle axles.....NOT Buddy Bearings......Learn the difference......I've preached that for 20 + yrs.
This trailer is awesome. I too like the fender non-skid, and for that matter, everything else about it! The low bow set-up /roller/bracket is the best I've seen. Being lower than most, it would not interfere with the the bow-eye and winch; and there's even non-skid even up there by the winch. The rear guides and sides with the 'ladder' are brilliant. Just last year I bought a new Road King for our 2520 XLD, and for 'too-much-$$. Although I only trailer the boat to get it off the lift for hurricanes, I wish I had known something like this existed when I bought the trailer. Was this up for sale at one time?... Where is Sport Trail located? and what's the approx. $$$ ?"Best" Trailer? IDK Here's the custom Sport Trail trailer I purchased for my 2016 2520 Open Back and never used before trading up to my 2017 2820 Open Back. Easy to get in and out of the boat when on the trailer. Electric over hydraulic. I liked the fender non-skid treatment.