2nd station install?

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2014
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Miller Place, NY
hey guys, how difficult is it to install the 2nd station on a 2520 w yami 300 engine. Digital controls. Im trying to decide between a leftover 14 that doesn't have one and just ordering a 16 from the factory. the only difference in the 2 boats would be the 2nd station. the new one is 22k more. Is it worth it? what will it cost me to add in the 14? dealer quoted me 8k
I have the 2320 bought new in 2014. I held off on the second station but very much wish I had it. I go out trolling and really can't do it effectively from inside the pilot house when I am running solo. I had them quote me to install the second station and I think they quoted my like $4,500. This is not the digital controls though and it is for a 225 HP Yamaha.

It is something I am going to do in the off season. Question is, do I pony up the $4,500 and have the dealer do it or do I find someone else to do it? I feel that $4,500 is steep. Let alone $8K. I'm on Long Island too so I suspect I know the dealer you are working with :)
I let myself get talked out of it when I bought mine new. Hindsight 20/20 I would definitely get it. I miss it during trolling as well, running back and forth is a pain. It would also be nice to dock from the cockpit as well, better visibility and I could get to the lines quicker. Can't remember what that option alone was though.
I'm thinking the 2nd station might help with backing in the slip too. Def have more of a clear view back there then trying to back up from pilot house. Those bracketed boats are not easy with a cross wind. I was even considering a bow thruster if I opt for a new 16
The only other question to consider is does the used one already have good electronics that you would be happy with? That could be another $5+K ish depending on what you want to add. If the money part isn't going to kill you there is something to be said about ordering a new boat just like you want it. If you are going to be always backing into a slip and especially where you have to tie off on poles at the bow, the thruster would be nice. Like you mentioned, single engine boats aren't easy to back in without the boat crabbing. After having mine for 2 seasons I would agree with the second station for trolling. Don't think I'll ever add one but I might add an auto pilot as a better than current alternative. Because 95+% of my docking is on a floater and only sometimes backing in, the extra helm isn't much of a factor to me for that. Also only a 2120 too. Good luck!
Didn't catch the leftover part. Thruster can be done at the dealer I would think? $8K for second station seems high. Boat sales in Nov and Dec I are bad. In this case maybe the best option is to beat them down on the 14 and the difference will pay for the upgrades and some electronics.
I'm torn between auto pilot and the second station right now myself. I really wish I got it when I bought the boat last year. Wouldn't feel that extra $5K in the payment, but shelling it out now is a big hit. I can say this, I would not order another one without it.

I know a guy just put a bow thruster in his 2320, $8K. When I heard that number I was shocked as well. On a 25 ft. I can maybe see the need but not on the 2320. And I would only do it from the factory which I believe is an option now correct?
TWOBOATER":1duiilmu said:
C'mon guys, a bow thruster on a 23 footer? ya gotta be kiddin' me!

I didnt say I would put one on or that I agree with it, just stating what some guy in the marina across the way from me did. I personally think it's nuts but to each his own.
TWOBOATER":dqd2jihw said:
C'mon guys, a bow thruster on a 23 footer? ya gotta be kiddin' me!

This guy is talking about purchasing a 2520 and putting a thruster on it. If you want one and don't mind blowing the cash, why not? Maybe has to back in with bad cross current?
That is the case exactly, my slip faces east and all summer we get a consistent south wind. So that wind blows me right past the slip once I turn to back it in. And I'm only a few slips from the end, so if you miss at low tide there is almost no way to make a complete turn around to go back. It's doable but a very stressful situation. The option for the thruster on a new 2520 was almost 10k from the factory, I spoke to a guy at New England Bow thrusters and they can do it for almost 4K less! So I'm thinking I'm going to try and move my slip to a better location, and if not I'll just pony up to have it installed. I'd rather spend the money and be stress free than miss days out there because I'm worried about the south wind at low tide.
I own a 2520 with a second station and I would have a hard time maneuvering the boat into a slip or trolling without it. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I would have a hard time living without it. For the price difference I would take the 2014 and have the station retrofitted.
Whether you get the rear station from the factory, have the dealer do it, or do it yourself, consider moving the station back from where the factory puts them.
IMHO - Both the factory, and the dealers mount them way too far forward.
Move it back so you can manage your trolling lines, and dock lines in a docking situation.


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Nice set up Megabyte, I think I read prior posts that you did that install yourself. How much all in did it cost and how difficult is it?
Okay so there questions on the second station install? Very easy to do. I can give you some good info to do it yourself and it won't cost u 4500. Shoot if u have a lowrance navigation u could also get the auto pilot for 1000 which my good friend alii Kai just put on very simple to.
This is when I did mine except for the shift and throttle. I have a great design for that too without going to morse controls which sucks for user friendly


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I can tell you one thing for sure..........the auto pilot is the cats meow. It has been worth it's weight in gold. I say change your slip and get the auto pilot :mrgreen:
kidfreediver":29er8brb said:
Okay so there questions on the second station install? Very easy to do. I can give you some good info to do it yourself and it won't cost u 4500. Shoot if u have a lowrance navigation u could also get the auto pilot for 1000 which my good friend alii Kai just put on very simple to.
This is when I did mine except for the shift and throttle. I have a great design for that too without going to morse controls which sucks for user friendly

Would love to know more. can you either start a new thread for this or continue here? Would appreciate it very much.

thank you,
Keep it going here, I'm interested in both those things. Just an update, my 2320 has been delivered to the new owner and my 2520 is being rigged this week. Hopefully ready for when I return from Vegas next week