Putting a ProSportHD 20 dual bank battery charger into my Parker 2320 SC, and we’re having a heck of a time finding the best spot to place it. As you might know, the two batteries are below the hatch access with the bilge pump. Have a Perko 1,2,Both,Off battery switch. Above the hatch is the bench passenger seat.
So far the best position seems to be on the inside of the bench seat bracket, on the stern, but it looks like that might restrict access to the charger; I’d rather not. In these photos the bench has been removed. Is there a better place to mount it? Photos below:

So far the best position seems to be on the inside of the bench seat bracket, on the stern, but it looks like that might restrict access to the charger; I’d rather not. In these photos the bench has been removed. Is there a better place to mount it? Photos below: