Depends what it goes to?
I had 3 - CB's on my 2530...for High loads.
1- for the main feed of House circuits
1- for Windless
1- for Stereo amp
In this thread
It's talked about the aux charging wire and 2 batteries.....
Yes...The engine will keep both batteries charged "Without" them being paralleled together. That would be thee "Both" position on a Perko switch.
NOTE: Perko / Guest master switch is the same thing. Different color
A BEP has a Master sw to turn ON/OFF the House Battery...It has another switch to turn ON/OFF the start battery. In This system the batteries are seperate.....and yet the Relay parallel's them together to charge them.....It also senses high amperage demands and instantaneously unparallel's them.....IE: when you hit the Start key.
A Perko sw. has Batt1 - Batt 2 and Common terminals on them. You cannot isolate the starting system from the house system....When you turn that switch....It supplies power to the Start/Engine & House from the same battery.
So......With a separate charge wire system..... Delete the Perko switch and install this....and you will have the system operate as the regular BEP with the Relay.
As a side note.....In the 53 BEP clusters I've installed.....there are still a few that can't get it thru their head how to operate it..... LOL.
They ask....." How you do those switches again?" Meaning what position should they be in?
In the link above that I posted....The Yellow/ Combine switch stays in the OFF position all the time.....UNLESS.....for some reason the Start battery will Not start the engine....Then you turn it to ON.....Think of it as Built in jumper cables. I let engine run a little with combine in ON......Then turn it Off....The alt is charging the dead Start battery and the House battery separately.....with the AUX charge wire to the House battery.