Boat Sweats

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Aug 24, 2013
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I have been the owner of a 2001 2520 xld diesel for over two years now. Really like her. One thing I can't understand is why in the world this boat sweats inside the pilot house so much. I have never had this problem to this extent with the other pilot house boats I have owned. Thinking that it may be the glue that is used for the carpet. It's a bummer installing new stainless items, electronics and anything with metal as most of these items start to corrode almost immediately. I bought a large dehumidifier last year and leave it inside the pilot house. This has taken care of the problem but it's kind of a pain to load and unload it on and off the boat. Wish it was a simple as leaving a few windows cracked. Does anybody have any idea why these boats have this problem.

I really like this sight and appreciate all the info from the members.

Thanks in advance, Zack

I leave my windows and doors open all through the fall and winter and spring
I keep my boat under a big temporary tarp port
then when she is in the slip I open the port side windshield leave it cracked open the side slides too
Just about the with of a pencil
I also leave windows open a crack, haven't had any trouble with condensation. make sure there's no standing water in compartments / bilge as this can contribute to condensation.
First off... Welcome aboard Zman. :)

This topic has come up before, and many members have shared their solution(s) in the 'Projects' area which you might want to peruse for a bit.
The short answer... ventilation.

Some have achieved that through the use of Dorade (sp?) boxes, some via simply leaving the windows cracked a bit.

And some, like me, have used a combination of rain shields on the trunk cabin windows and leaving those windows open all the time, keeping the side windows cracked an inch or two (or full open depending on weather), and/or through the use of solar powered vent fans to keep the under deck area ventilated and dry.

Minimize moisture first, then provide ventilation.

Of course, ventilation of the pilothouse isn't a big problem for me. :D


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    17 May 007.jpg
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Thanks for the welcome and replies. I keep my boat on a trailer on the side of my house when not out fishing. Prior to putting the full cover on Her after a trip . I make sure she is dry and completely drained of all water. My cover has vent openings. Regardless if I have cover on or off with windows opened or cracked. I still find moisture. Like I said before. I have never had this kind of problem with the previous 3 pilothouse boats. I guess the humidifier will have to stay as it drives me crazy to think there is oxidation happening inside the cabin.

Thanks again, zman
I don't have that problem with my 2120 but maybe you could try some desecant(sp) bags to help control moisture.
Prior to putting the full cover on Her after a trip .

There is some of your problem....But it's condensation from changing temps....Coolness at night and warms up in the day. No ventilation.

It's extremely heavy in the bilge .....I'm sure.