Clogged bilge

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Lucky John

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
Does anyone else out there with a newer 2520 or 2510 have a problem with their forward bilge area?
When I took possession of the boat there was a lot of debris from the build which was not properly cleaned out. I had pieces of foam,fiberglass and even sanding discs in both bilges.
I had called Parker mid summer to discuss possible solutions, I was told that some standing water was considered normal since it is the lowest point on the vessel. I tried sending a snake to try and clear it as well as sending the hose in but it remained the same.
Well last week I pulled the boat because of the storm and it is sitting on block in my driveway. I turned on the battery switch yesterday and the pump ran for a solid 5 minutes dumping water. It should have went on automatically as there is a float switch.
Today I tried once again to snake and send water through but I can't get it to drain out. The stink was very noticeable when I opened the cabin door this morning. I have notified the dealer through email and will be giving Parker another call as well.
John, if this problem persist may I suggest picking up a scope from somewhere (got mine from Harbor Freight). On my scope you can capture an image. This would be helpful if you need to document stuff in that forward bilge or elsewhere.
It's a dirty job but all you can do is get the big stuff out by hand. maybe use a wet vac too. if the hose is plugged up you can disconnect the bilge pump and snake the hose to clear it. Pressure washer will sometimes do it too. My 25 has a bronze threaded garboard plug in that area so you can get the bilge fairly dry when hauled out.
Since I splashed the boat in April I have removed a lot of debris including 2 6 inch sanding discs, foam,fiberglas etc. I didn't want to bother the dealership but someone needs to step up to the plate here I have exhausted all my methods and still NG.
I will be going to the dealer in the am to arrange a date when their fiberglass guy can come and spray under my gunnels, and will insist they tackle this problem. I can be a real PITA if need be :mrgreen:
They are supposed to come and take a look at it in the am hopefully. Would like to get these two issues resolved and very possibly dump back in for bass season. I know their ace mechanic has a camera in his truck hopefully he can find out what is causing the problem. My guess is a another sanding disc or a large piece of fiberglass that was not cleaned out and the water made it lodge in the pipe.
It took him 2 trips, a talk with Parker engineer but he was finally able to snake thru the clog. He actually left the fiberglass electricians wire pull in the tube so I can wiggle it if it becomes clogged again. All I need now is for the fiberglass to be done and might dump back in for bass season.
I've got a 2007 2520 with a similar issue, although my clog is partial as it allows a slow dribble through.

How on earth did the tech snake something through? I have tried a few times and it seems that it changes from a tube shaped race to an open space under the fuel tank. I can't seem to get the snake to find the hole to get back into the aft section of the race. I've tried a plumbers snake as well as an electricians fish tape. Also tried going aft to bow direction, still no go.

I'd appreciate any tips!
The tech is an amazing older man who is like a Macgiver..........
He used a fiberglass rod (electricians wire pull) and guided it through each section using a camera....
He left the rod in the pipe so all I have to do now is wiggled it if it becomes clogged again. This all could have been avoided if they cleaned the boat out properly. Thank god he got it because the water sitting in the forward bilge would stink to holy hell after sitting awhile.