Some new pics

we finally got a sea trial. Gained 2.5 knots!!!! Previously at 3500rpm I was getting 19-20 knots. Now I'm seeing 22-22.5 so I am pleased to say the least!
My friend and I have re-wired the entire boat. Every singe wire is copper tinned and of the proper gauge and is labeled. All bilge pumps were installed with bus bars to prevent the ever curing problem of shortening wires.
We also installed grounding bars in strategic places to save on wire costs and make troubleshooting easier. Example.... all underwater lights, wash down pump, livewell pump, emergency bilge pump all share a common grounding bar. Eliminating the need for all of these items needing a 30' run to the helm.
We moved the NAV lights to the top of the wheel house as I added a polished stainless anchor roller. I'll post more night pics as I get them.
We replace all the crappy plastic through hulls with polished stainless. I also replaced the engine room vents with polished stainless.
We also opted for the roof mount AC. The marine AC was a PITA with water pumps. The duo prop moved so much water it would steal the water from the AC pump when backing down. Roof mount is 1/3 of the weight and cools better.
We are almost at the end of the tunnel. Only bad news is my generator has to be rebuilt. She sat up to long.... hopefully 100$ worth of valves and she'll be running.
Enjoy the pics. All comments are welcome.
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