I have an opportunity to move from my 2300DV to a 2500DV. Do you see a later model (2015) 2300DV in demand now or would I be better to wait until just before spring to move it?
Update: The ride of the boat met & even exceeded my expectations. It is a 2017 with twin 200 Yamaha’s. If I had not known the year of the hull I would have thought I was on a 10 year old boat. A lot of missing screws, gel coat missing, crack in the tee top. The boat has been fished hard (which I don’t have a problem with) but it had little if any maintenance. He did have service records on the engines. I tried to graciously let him know it was no need to take it out but he was insistent that I ride the boat (I told him I had been out on several 2500DV’s in the past). In the end, I declined to make an offer as I am sure what I would be willing to pay would have been a definite insult based on his asking price. The one bright spot is it freed me up for a Monday grouper run that resulted in a surprising occurrence which I’ll touch on in another post.Thank you all for your replies! I’m going to sea trial the 2500 Wed. & having it surveyed next Monday. If it’s as advertised I’ll pull the trigger then put my 2300 up for sale. Merry Christmas to you all!