So I had a Tempress hatch left over from my seat job. I always wanted better battery access, so I put the hatch in the bulkhead in front of the batteries. I am going to put one on the other side as well, perhaps one with tackle storage.
Instead of a hatch on the other side, how about an insert that can hold Plano boxes?
Here is one I found on the Birdsall web site, but I've seen better ones online in the past.
Just an idea...
I am researching as we speak for a tackle storage solution. I am going to move my fuel filter from the bilge up into that cavity first then engineer a tackle solution. The cavity is huge, probably more that 6 cubic feet, and I hate wasted space!
Would there be any problems if the water seperator is that high? I have thought of doing that, but wonder if there would be a draw issue from the tank.
Would there be any problems if the water seperator is that high? I have thought of doing that, but wonder if there would be a draw issue from the tank.
I am throwing it out there for evaluation. I have mentioned it several times here and no one has said "nay." My feeling is that since the system is pressured that it shouldn't be a problem.