Dealer-installed bulkhead steering station $$$??

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2006
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Long Island North Shore
Can anyone give me a ballpark cost that I should expect to hear from my dealer should I decide to pursue this addition to my 2520XL? I've seen the great project threads from those who have done this themselves but I am less mechanically inclined to tackle.
I have found that I can live without one but wouldn't mind spending more time outdoors when heading out to the fishing grounds on nice days.
I think it would cost somewhere between $2000-3000. Don't really know the exact amount so I'm sorry about the large swing. If you would be content to have only steering the project is really simple to self perform. Cost savings would be significant at less than $1000, even with new parts. If you eBay them you could do it for less than $650-700 (steering only).

I have put together the console box, motor controls (2), wheel, and helm pump for about $750, but still need cables and hoses. I will be doing a well documented install and will post it here after the final pieces are purchased. I have been wanting this upgrade for well over a year!
I believe a free standing would run about the same price (2 to 3k) with all new parts from the dealer.

I bought the major items used (mine came off a 25' C-Hawk), and had my dealer install it. Cost was about $1200 as the dealer supplied the Morse controls and the cables. The rest of the cost was installation.


I would think that a bulkhead mount would be about the same price.
Got a dealer quote of $2900. Will probably pull the trigger on it soon before the Spring rush. Hopefully my eyes will be good enough to still read my sounder at the helm through the rear pilothouse window. :shock:
That sounds about right for the bulkhead mounted steering station.

I don't think you will have any regrets spending the money to have someone do the job and take responsibility for it.

Where is your sounder mounted?

If your screen is big enough you should be able to see what you need to.

Thanks, Richard. My small screen all-in-one Garmin 498 is flush-mounted high in the center of the dash. I will have a line of sight to it and may be able to ascertain a depth reading if I don't use split screen. That said, I will likely only pilot from outside in clear conditions and in well-traveled, familiar channels so probably won't need to worry about depths from second to second.
I like to keep an eye on the screen when out trolling for tuna and other offshore fish.... I don't use it for navigation or depth of water... just to see if the fishies under the water are there or not there.

It's also nice to keep an eye on when drifting to see the depth of water.

When anchored around structure and fishing for spadefish it is nice to keep track of the depth the fish are swimming in.
Had the dealer install over the winter - best upgrade yet. I use my portable Garmin 478 chartplotter on the bulkhead and make my cabin Garmin 498 show the sounder full screen. I can see it fine from outside. I've got my eye on a folding aluminum tall directors chair to provide a comfortable outside helm seat. I didn't photograph the custom fit sunbrella cover which protects everything from the elements.


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