Dual Station Power Pak Tek Marine

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Aug 11, 2013
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I have a 2820 with twin 250 Yamaha's which while under way to off shore fishing lost all throttle control. Boat was powering along but i could not control or
change the speed, my only option was to shut off the engines which i did once i got within a half mile of the harbor.
Can anyone tell me if this is a normal type of failure? Seems like there should be a back up or fail safe system to prevent this.
My boat is a 2006 2820 SCXL Twin stations fore and aft, both were useless. I am it's second owner purchased six months ago.
It turned out to be a blown fuse which was also tied into the trim tabs which i'm having put on it's own breaker instead of being wired together with the
power pak system. The throttles when working are also very sticky and difficult to adjust.

any help on any of these issues would be greatly appreciated as from what i've learned the company is out of business that makes the power pak device.

thank you in advance
hannah rose
How many people out there have the TekMarine Power Pak? I have gotten no replies from the community but spoke to the manufacturer who informed me they don't support the product. They are a thriving business with their name all over the product but don't know anything about it and can't seem to even provide answers to what they made and sold.
Does anyone out there have any information about this device?


thank you
hannah rose
You're the 2nd person I know who has one installed and regretfully I forget who the 1st is, but that post here, so try the search feature.

I can't speak to the realiabiity of that unit, but Lenco trim tabs should be on a circuit fused or protected for 20-amps, plus the ampacity of the wire should be able to handle that load, as well as any other load on it.

Re-wiring dedicated should prevent another failure, plus if it were mine, I'd check every run I could for resistance, to ensure all the wiring was integral.

I'm sorry I can't help you further. It is sad they went out of business, as to me it seems like an extremely promising option to $3K+ :shock: electronic OEM controls.

Again, please try the search feature and good luck!
It turned out to be a blown fuse which was also tied into the trim tabs

That is your problem. The Mini ATC style fuses are 10amp. Bennett tabs take a 20amp fuse. Don't know about Lenco's.

That company is a wire company and bout the rights to the product from the original designer. The designer worked for the company for a while. But the company never had a clue! They didn't market it correctly and never bothered to truely get involved and or have a tech. I told them about it MANY times and it fell on deaf ears.

I bought a system about 3 months after the company bought out the original designer. I think it's a good system....But like anything....Without factory support anything can go to S@#t.

I installed the system myself....There were just 2 hiccups and that came in the form of wording in the instructions. It had to do with the calibration. The original designer is who I talked to and walked me right thru it.

As to the control being hard......What control do you have? I used twin Suzuki controls at both stations. There is a adjustment on the controls for the friction. There is only a potentiometer on the control. The cables get moved by the servo box's and you will not even feel that. Stil....You want good cables on them...Teleflex X-Treames are what goes on everything I own and work one....No substitute!