fluid leak and I'm baffeled

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2011
Reaction score
Edgemere, Maryland
A couple of weeks ago I brought the boat back to the house after I had it stored on land for Sandy. The tide was a little low but I thought I could get her on the boat lift. Well she made it half way but then stopped as there was not enough water. I needed to get her back off and put her in the slip as the tide was still going out and had a strong wind behind it. I had to power her off and had to gave it a bit of gas before she would slide back off, tied her up in the slip and went in the house. I came out a few hours later and saw an oil slick going down the river that was comming from the motor. I raised the motor it went away. lowered the motor didn't see anything went back in the house. Came out an hour later more fluid in the water raised the motor and left it up for the night. The next day I put her on the lift. checked engine oil, good. checked the lower unit it was full and the fluid was nice and clear. took the boat out and ran her saturday and sunday, no more apparent fluid leak. Could I have sucked some hydrolic fluid out of the trim cylinders trying to horse it in reverse off the lift. Dunno...any thoughts.
Id say it came from the pistons on the trim.

Did you check your hydraulic steering lines to make sure they aren't leaking?
thanks guys, yes the steering ram does leak a little once in a great while but as you said not enough to worry about. but I was concentrating on the lower unit and did not even look at the steering ram.but I will if it happens again thanks, Mike