You should create a little cheat-sheet that shows your fuel burn (gph or mpg) at 4-5 of the RPM settings at which you normally cruise.
I have fuel flow meters that give gph. My normal cruise of 24 mph at 4,200 rpm gives about 9.0 gph. Giving room for slop, I bump that to 10, divide it into 126 gallons, and I get about 12 hours of cruise time. 12x24 gives me a range (without safety margin) of 288 mi. Subtracting the rule of thirds, I have about a 200 mi round trip range, or 100 mi one way.
Do those calculations at various RPM settings and keep them on a laminated 3x5 card near he helm.
BTW, the beauty of fuel flow meters is that they also give me total fuel already burned off. Knowing what is left, I can calculate my safe travel distance at any time.