fuel/distance range for 2120SC

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2008
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I know this depends on RPMs and sea condition but on average running at 4500 RPMs in moderate seas does anyone know the range a 2120SC can get...thinking about runiing ~150 miles roundtrip tomorrow....based on my calcualtions I should be fine with 30% left in the
i would imagine with 100 gallons you would be fine. even if you only got 2mpg which i think you would get better than youd have over 50 miles to spare.
I'd think that you would be ok,but I've always been a beliver of the rule of thirds.
Be carefull,have fun.If you can bring it safely,bring another 5-10 gals.
Sounds interesting.


If you don't mind sharing, what kind of trip you got planned?
doing some offshore wreck fishing out of virginia beach
Here's wishing you Good Luck, good weather and a safe trip. Let us know how it turns out.
You should create a little cheat-sheet that shows your fuel burn (gph or mpg) at 4-5 of the RPM settings at which you normally cruise.

I have fuel flow meters that give gph. My normal cruise of 24 mph at 4,200 rpm gives about 9.0 gph. Giving room for slop, I bump that to 10, divide it into 126 gallons, and I get about 12 hours of cruise time. 12x24 gives me a range (without safety margin) of 288 mi. Subtracting the rule of thirds, I have about a 200 mi round trip range, or 100 mi one way.

Do those calculations at various RPM settings and keep them on a laminated 3x5 card near he helm.

BTW, the beauty of fuel flow meters is that they also give me total fuel already burned off. Knowing what is left, I can calculate my safe travel distance at any time.


Almost forgot. I have a thread in the Projects forum that shows how I installed OMC fuel connectors on the other input port of my fuel filters. There is a ball-valve between the OMC connector and the fuel filter body so the fuel filter doesn't suck air through the OMC connector. I installed another ball-valve between the main fuel tank and the fuel filter body also.

I can shut the valve to the main tank, open the valve to the OMC connector, hook up a 6 gal OMC portable tank, and get about another 1.5 hours of cruise time at 4,200 rpm. If I ever went out to the canyons, I'd carry a pair of those OMC tanks for emergency purposes.

I'm out of time this morning, but I'll see if I can find the pics of that modification.


BTW, the beauty of fuel flow meters is that they also give me total fuel already burned off. Knowing what is left, I can calculate my safe travel distance at any time.

I'll second that. :)
My fuel flow meters are within 2 gal when I do a 100+ gal fill-up. Not bad...so I tend to use the gal remaining to do my calculations. I probably should keep a better log, so I have two ways to calculate and compare them. But with the meters, I've gotten lazy.


Since you have a single motor, using Porkchunkers external tank method should give you a heck of a buffer.

Look for that project post Dave mentioned as it is an excellent upgrade to extend your range!
Her are my results:

Ran ~4500 RPM @ 25-27 MPH

142 miles total

56 gallons of fuel

Not Bad!
caught 20 sea bass...first time wreck fishing for them...i feel I did OK
ABRIG005":g2s1uyfs said:
Her are my results:

Ran ~4500 RPM @ 25-27 MPH

142 miles total

56 gallons of fuel

Not Bad!
What ya kiddin me or what?
I think thats friggin awesome.
You must not be haulin dive gear,or doing the Northern Channel Islands we have here in Cali.
For my boat thats a good day,must have been flat?
I do get a little better top end speed at those RPM's on my DV 2120sc thats loaded,sometimes we get those grease flat days.At 4500 rpm's ,loaded,grease flat I can do 30 mph w/a 200hp 4stroke.

After reading all the posts on here about raising my motor a bolthole,I did it,and it is getting better gas mileage,but still cant get it over 5600 rpm's,but the way I load my boat down,I think I can live w/it.
Glad to hear you had a nice trip,and your boat ran great.
Not much gear...3 guys...40lbs of ice and some fishing gear...nice seas going out...3 to 5 from the SW as I was traveling W on the way back...i felt my ass in my neck a few times but she handles good....

whats your opinion on going 60 miles off the coast with 1 09' engine?
i have a sat locater just in case

thanks anthony
Anthony, those are great numbers. I have re read your post a handful of times and did not see what engine you have? 150 or 200? If I missed it I apologize.

Second what was the travel time out to your destination and the travel time back home?

Something that came to mind while reading the thread is do you have some type of tow boat service like Boat US? And does the service come and get you that far out should you have a problem?

Anthony, those are great numbers. I have re read your post a handful of times and did not see what engine you have? 150 or 200? If I missed it I apologize.

Second what was the travel time out to your destination and the travel time back home?

Something that came to mind while reading the thread is do you have some type of tow boat service like Boat US? And does the service come and get you that far out should you have a problem?

Its a 150

Travel time was about 2:15

I do have Sea Tow and they will come get me (knock on wood)

This boat may be a little to small for those runs in the winter but I would do it again...She handled well.