fuel/distance range for 2120SC

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ABRIG005":15v919p5 said:
Not much gear...3 guys...40lbs of ice and some fishing gear...nice seas going out...3 to 5 from the SW as I was traveling W on the way back...i felt my ass in my neck a few times but she handles good....

whats your opinion on going 60 miles off the coast with 1 09' engine?
i have a sat locater just in case

thanks anthony
I'd go for it,but dont burn alot of fuel snoopin around,get there ,handle your buisness,get your booty back home,at least where I live IF I get caught out,I can tuck in ,and hide behind the Island,but getting caught out ,and drifting offshore,thats another thing all together. Think about getting a sea anchor..a big one...at least that way your nose is pointed in the wind. I would also take a good look at my towing coverage.
I was caught out on the 4th of July last year.Started out 3-4 very short intervals,as I pounded uphill about 30 miles,it got worse.Ended up by the time I got back 18 miles about 3 miles offshore in a following sea,it was about 6-8 w/some that went bigger,and just starting to whitecap :shock: Always a good time looking out the side window,and watching the water go taller than the house.That little boat of mine handled it perfectly,no pitching,and wallowing climbing up the backs,or surfing in the trough,but I dont want to do that again :wink:
Have fun .Be safe.
ABRIG005":jmy3xrlk said:
Not much gear...3 guys...40lbs of ice and some fishing gear...nice seas going out...3 to 5 from the SW as I was traveling W on the way back...i felt my ass in my neck a few times but she handles good....

whats your opinion on going 60 miles off the coast with 1 09' engine?
i have a sat locater just in case

thanks anthony
I'd go for it,but dont burn alot of fuel snoopin around,get there ,handle your buisness,get your booty back home,at least where I live IF I get caught out,I can tuck in ,and hide behind the Island,but getting caught out ,and drifting offshore,thats another thing all together. Think about getting a sea anchor..a big one...at least that way your nose is pointed in the wind. I would also take a good look at my towing coverage.
I was caught out on the 4th of July last year.Started out 3-4 very short intervals,as I pounded uphill about 30 miles,it got worse.Ended up by the time I got back 18 miles about 3 miles offshore in a following sea,it was about 6-8 w/some that went bigger,and just starting to whitecap :shock: Always a good time looking out the side window,and watching the water go taller than the house.That little boat of mine handled it perfectly,no pitching,and wallowing climbing up the backs,or surfing in the trough,but I dont want to do that again :wink:
Have fun .Be safe.
That boat is advertised to get 400 miles per tank but there is no way in my opinion. You should get about 200-250 miles fully loaded with the right prop. At 4500 rpm you should be getting about 3.0 MPG when it is flat as glass. With a 150 hp. Hope I could help. Make sure you have the correct prop. The prop that came with my boat was a 14 1/4 x 16 ss. it is a poor prop for that boat. Top end rpm was only 5600 rpm and at 4400 rpm i could only get 2.7 mpg. With my newer prop forgot the specs I get 3.2 mpg doing 30 mph at 4500 rpm.