Fuel Tank Issue

Classic Parker Boat Forum

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The General

New member
Apr 11, 2012
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Greetings: I own at 94, 18 year old boat 25ft Center Console, 200gal, Parker. Original owner. last week I discovered 100gallons of fuel missing per gage, strong oder of gas, gas leeched in front fish box, gas in bilge. I assume a tank leak.

Parker puts in an aluminum fuel tank that their engineer says normally lasts 15years. Anyone have a simialr experience?

My marine mechanic says I have to de-rigg console/ lean post, cut floor, take tank out, replace with custom made tank, re fiberglass, re-rigg, CC and engines. About $7-$8K.

Any ideas? Experiences? Thanks :(
I did this on my 1993 21SE...Take a look at the Sticky 21 Rehab under projects. This is a big job, but the price sounds high. Where are you located? By the way, pump out the good gas asap and mix it with new stuff and burn it in your truck...At $4.00/gal it is liquid gold.
That sounds more reasonable, although new tanks are pretty expensive due to the latest CG requirements on vapor capture and antisyphon. All new tanks have this built in them.
Thanks for all your insights, Boat is located in Cocodrie, Louisianna, South of Houma, LA