Fuel ventilation

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Mar 1, 2006
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Does anyone else have the problem of not being able to fuel up at a normal rate of speed. Iam unable to squeeze the handle all the way when fueling up. I noticed some white substance around the small vent hole by my fuel fill. IF this is the problem, is there a safe chemical that i can use to get rid of it. It seems to get worse every year. I have a 25ft pilot house with a 225 ox66. If i squeeze the handle fully, the fuel will overflow.
I have to same problem, always have.
You can clean that screen, but I always have had a problem getting it out so I end up just replacing it every few years. Somedays are worse than others, it's weird. Most of the time it does burp out of the fill if I go to fast, but once in a while it does not. I have the old style, black Perko cap that unscrews on the outside of the hull. I have found that if you unscrew the cap, put it in your pocket or something while you fill up, it does seem to help.
Sorry I could not be more helpful.

Fuel system vent issues have been tossed around a bit here...

Fuel Vent Problem

Good time for a reality check on those "new" Orca flush-mount models. Anyone with the Orca's have any issues last year with clogging?
Does anyone know how to "remove, and or clean the metal screen in my fuel vent on the hull, Its the plastic vent just under the fill. I tried turning it, or unscrewing it, and it didnt feel right. The little metal screen is completely white with salt?or whatever it is. Please help
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, it could also be more due to a 'dip' in the FUEL line more than a possible clog in the VENT line, see here.

My sketch in that post has helped cure a few 'burping' boats.