Gas tank replacement

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Mar 16, 2022
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I just purchased a 1993 model 17cc Parker and the gas tank is in need of replacement. Does anyone have information on where to purchase a replacement
My suggestion would be to use the search function here and learn what others have done. There is a lot of experience here dealing with tank repairs. Additionally, some recommendations on how to order your new one. As far as finding a fabricator, you would need to let everyone in on your location. Plenty of good fabricators throughout.
B473E25F-09D8-4C54-825A-E5A057A11000.jpegYou are in luck, maybe. I have a 17 that I am replacing the tank on right now.

American tanks in San Diego is where is was able to get mine fabricated. Please note that not all 17’s have the same tank so pull the old one and measure it exactly. Also if you are not in SoCal I would suggest looking for someone close to you since shipping tanks seems very expensive.
View attachment 32511You are in luck, maybe. I have a 17 that I am replacing the tank on right now.

American tanks in San Diego is where is was able to get mine fabricated. Please note that not all 17’s have the same tank so pull the old one and measure it exactly. Also if you are not in SoCal I would suggest looking for someone close to you since shipping tanks seems very expensive.
Thanks for the information
Where are you located? In NE no one is better than Luther's in Bristol RI.