honda 250's

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2016
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Considering twin 250 Hondas on my 28cc anyone with them or experience any ifno appreciated
Considering twin 250 Hondas on my 28cc anyone with them or experience any ifno appreciated
Price out Tohatsu 250s, they’re rebadged Hondas and typically less expensive…
Buddy of mine has a Tohatsu 250. It's a Honda painted Blue. I pushed him towards a Suzzy 300.... and he bought this. Not a LOT of hours on it, but it does well.
Buddy of mine has a Tohatsu 250. It's a Honda painted Blue. I pushed him towards a Suzzy 300.... and he bought this. Not a LOT of hours on it, but it does well.
I came VERY close to buying a Tohatsu 250 when I repowered back in 2019. In the end the 50 extra HP, FBW shifting, pretty white paint and timing chain motivated me to buy the 2019 Suzuki DF300APXX, it’s been great so far through 850+ hours and I have no regrets but that Tohatsu looked like a really nice engine. I was engine shopping for a couple of years and I couldn’t find anyone to say anything bad about the big Tohatsu Outboards and the price of the Tohatsu 250 was $5000 less then what the Suzuki 300 cost me. Not quite an apples to apples comparison. In addition to only being a 250, the Tohatsu was mechanical shift.