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Aug 17, 2020
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After a 9 month wait, I finally picked up my boat with the new Suzuki DF140BG installed. Now, the Yamaha SW115-2S was a great motor and I've never had any issues with it, but... I must say that I really love the new 4 stroke. 430am launch on Sat and had the break-in done by 630 Sun morning. 12 hours on it now and I'm still figuring things out but the controls are silky smooth, the digital gauge is very functional, and it is so quiet! I'm starting with an aluminum14X21 prop but will pick up a stainless prop next spring. I thought the extra 4S weight would be noticeable but it doesn't seem to affect how she floats at all.

For all of you guys who have and recommended the Suzuki, many thanks! I couldn't be happier.DSCN2279 - Copy.JPG
Great looking boat! Nice outboard motor, is fuel consumption pretty good?
Haven't really had a chance to focus on that. The first 2 hours of break in are limited to no more than 3000 RPM. I couldn't quite stay on plane at 3000 so for 2 hours I plowed around the bay, which probably wasn't very efficient. I hope to have some real numbers by next week.
Just because. The old motor ran absolutely perfect and I sold it while it was still on my boat. I want to head offshore for haddock and this just gives me more peace of mind when doing so. I also fish very tight to the rocks and having a reliable motor lessens the risk. I'm on 20 years with this boat and it's the very boat I want to be in when I retire so repowering for the final stretch seemed like a good investment.
Funny thing is... the weight issue was one of my worries at first, but I was on the water for half a day before I even thought about it. And when I started to take notice, I realized I couldn't tell the difference at all. The ride height seems the same. Super happy about that! My live well is in front of my console and the TM batteries are in the console so I'm not very back heavy to begin with.

The leaning post is an Elevation Marine Bay series standard with a slight modification. Offduty5 posted a pic of his a couple years ago and I had to have one! Thats been as good an upgrade as the motor. I used to lose a lot of blood from the cooler seat latch!
I couldn't find much historical data for this set up so, I'll start...
with the stock 3X14X21 aluminum prop,
6100 max RPM at 40 MPH (haven't done that for more than 10-15 seconds at a time though)
cruises comfortably at 4000 RPM / 25.5 MPH and 4 GPH of fuel (conditions permitting of course)
Lately the conditions have been perfect! :)
A steering upgrade was top of my list for next year but it has since been removed. I believe the extra torque from the new motor was a bit much for the old cable and it seized on me while slowing down and coming off plane 2 weeks ago. Feel like I'm good to go now for another 20 years!