Here's what I would do....
1. Bevel the edges where you cut through the deck at 45 degrees. Lay one or two layers of 3/4 oz mat over that surface to seal the deck core that's already there.
2. Take some additional strips of marine ply and glass some of those "cleats" to the under side of the deck at the edges of the cut as shown above.
3. Cut more strips of marine ply long enough so they span the entire length of the exposed stringer. Bevel one edge at 45 degrees.
4. Glass those strips to the sides of the stringers with the bevel facing down. Then glass all the way around then to seal the exposed wood. This will give you addl. width on the tops of the stringers for deck support and will help avoid hard spots.
5. Bevel the edges of the new deck section at 45 degrees so they line up with the existing deck and lay flush.
6. Glass the underside of the deck and the beveled edges with a layer of 3/4 oz mat and a layer of 6 oz. cloth.
7. Bond the new deck section to the tops of the stringers with either a mix of epoxy & cabosil, or 5200. Bond the beveled seams with a layer of 3/4 oz mat. Weight the deck down while it all cures.
8. Glass over the topsides of the deck with a few layers of 1708 or 1808.
9. Gelcoat or paint.
The bevel edges you cut in the new and old sections of deck will aid in support and increase the surface area for bonding.
Make sure you grind or sand all cured surfaces before adding new glass.
Damn I need a project boat.....