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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
Indian River, DE / Norfolk, VA
As far as Load Rite goes, I have to give credit where it’s due.

I bought a new Load Rite/5 Starr trailer for the 1700 in early 2021. It’s the model they ship with the 1801s from the factory, to the point where “18PARKER” is in the model number. A few months later I started having issues with the lights blowing fuses in the truck and eventually they cut out altogether. When I got the chance to did into the problem, I found some of the most atrocious electrical work I’ve ever seen. Out of about 10 heat shrink connectors within the system, maybe 2 were done correctly, and those had scorched insulation around the splice. All the others were not properly crimped, not fully shrunk, had burned insulation, or a combination of all three. Lots of black corroded wiring and evidence of water intrusion. Don’t know if it was a Friday afternoon trailer, or a new guy on the floor, or whatever, but QC should never have let this one leave the factory.

I contacted my dealer, whose response was that I’d have to bring the trailer to them (an hour away) and they’d be able to look at it in the next few weeks. Missing the last few weeks of the season wasn’t going to work for me, so I asked if there were any other options. They agreed to “give my number to the local Load Rite rep”, which is about where I figured the whole thing would end.

I’d resigned myself (very unhappily) to replacing the damaged components on my own when a few days later I got a call from the Load Rite guy. I explained the situation and sent him a few pictures, and he promised to get back to me. Within a day, he called back and said that they agreed, the whole electrical system would need to be replaced and he was just waiting on a wiring harness, after which he’d schedule a time to come to my house and replace the system in my driveway. A complete 180 from what I was expecting!

Being pretty picky, especially with my electrical work, I said I appreciated the offer but if they would agree to just drop off the new components, I’d be fine with installing them myself. The rep told me that they’d be happy to do so if that’s what I wanted. A week and two hours of work later, and I have a brand new electrical system on the trailer that works flawlessly.

I was super impressed by the responsiveness of Load Rite and their willingness to stand behind their product. That’s rare enough these days that I figured it was worth a shout out. Suffice it to say I’m a satisfied customer again!
As far as Load Rite goes, I have to give credit where it’s due.

I bought a new Load Rite/5 Starr trailer for the 1700 in early 2021. It’s the model they ship with the 1801s from the factory, to the point where “18PARKER” is in the model number. A few months later I started having issues with the lights blowing fuses in the truck and eventually they cut out altogether. When I got the chance to did into the problem, I found some of the most atrocious electrical work I’ve ever seen. Out of about 10 heat shrink connectors within the system, maybe 2 were done correctly, and those had scorched insulation around the splice. All the others were not properly crimped, not fully shrunk, had burned insulation, or a combination of all three. Lots of black corroded wiring and evidence of water intrusion. Don’t know if it was a Friday afternoon trailer, or a new guy on the floor, or whatever, but QC should never have let this one leave the factory.

I contacted my dealer, whose response was that I’d have to bring the trailer to them (an hour away) and they’d be able to look at it in the next few weeks. Missing the last few weeks of the season wasn’t going to work for me, so I asked if there were any other options. They agreed to “give my number to the local Load Rite rep”, which is about where I figured the whole thing would end.

I’d resigned myself (very unhappily) to replacing the damaged components on my own when a few days later I got a call from the Load Rite guy. I explained the situation and sent him a few pictures, and he promised to get back to me. Within a day, he called back and said that they agreed, the whole electrical system would need to be replaced and he was just waiting on a wiring harness, after which he’d schedule a time to come to my house and replace the system in my driveway. A complete 180 from what I was expecting!

Being pretty picky, especially with my electrical work, I said I appreciated the offer but if they would agree to just drop off the new components, I’d be fine with installing them myself. The rep told me that they’d be happy to do so if that’s what I wanted. A week and two hours of work later, and I have a brand new electrical system on the trailer that works flawlessly.

I was super impressed by the responsiveness of Load Rite and their willingness to stand behind their product. That’s rare enough these days that I figured it was worth a shout out. Suffice it to say I’m a satisfied customer again!
Nice to hear they gave you the parts to do yourself. Lots of places will not.
I had a 5 Starr years ago, starting in 1998. Sold it and went up in size, features for a Tidewater in 2010. The Tidewater has only seen fresh water use and only a couple times a year. Had the wiring replaced 2 years ago and failed sooner really. Had splices, but was really odd was that it had a couple of automotive connectors!!
I would like to add that on a 2005 Wesco trailer I had, they had used wire nuts filled with 5200 and they held up for the 14 years I had it. So in a pinch...
Ah, the old wire nut filled with 5200 hack. It’s an old south Florida trick. Add a zip tie and you’ve nailed it. I have a few going since 2008. I prefer crimps with the right tools and shrink wrap with a heat gun. Not a lighter! Glad you got your trailer worked out.