Been watching this post for a while. Here in N. California (Eureka area), we have a small bay that not too many people fish in. Ocean is the only option.
Typical swells during the fishing season (starting in the next couple of months), is about 8-10 ft swells, 1-3ft wind waves, sometimes more, sometimes ALOT more. That's about the maximum anyone ever goes out in. Occassionally, you run into a larger swell with far spacing (15-18 seconds), but it's not bad. 90% of the guys here call it quits when it's 2-3ft or more. When anyone goes tuna fishing up here, the ocean is always relatively calm, small swells and 2ft or less wind waves. That's when the entire crew here heads offshore up to 80+ miles in search of Albacores.
I bought the MV for that particular reason. Anytime you go more than 40-50 miles plus offshore, you usually want a partner boat, or someone you know is going to be close. If we had a DV and there wasn't anyone else within 50 miles of us, it's just a safety issue to begin with. I'd rather save fuel for the long trips, if I need to go out in occassional bad conditions for salmon season here, we can do it, but a little slower and usually within 12 miles or so. We can stay dry and warm in the cabin and wait for the warm water currents to push in for the long haul!
We went fishing one day last year in our "other boat" which is an Aquasport with a DV hull and it was bad conditions. We got there, but by the time we stopped to fish, nobody could stand up on the deck. Pulled the plug and came home anyways. I think for California, a MV hull is really the way to go, especially down south where the weather is generally nicer. Just my opinion from someone on the W. Coast and in similar conditions.