Looking for test ride on a 2520 PH ...

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Dave Walker

Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
8) any body willing?

Looking for a ride on a 2520 pilot house mv or dv chessapeak bay north please call4136953792.

I haven't purchased one yet and don't want to make a mistake. Mch appreciated, Dave
Couple more questions?

Where you located?

DV vs. Mod vee are two very different boats, what kind of boating do you do?

Again, what mistake are you worried about? Mod V vs. Deep V or something else?

Welcome to CP. :D
thanks for your response ,It would be kind of like buying a deer huntingknife only to find out later it was a fillet knife.I will be off shore 10 to 30 miles off the coast of Maine. The target will be giant blue fin .
to Brian, also like to add I've done this kind of fishing (TUNA) out of an old 25 ft. aquasport .It wasn't pretty but got the job done.We usually would go out of the Saco Rvr. bout 10 miles and rig up baloons .There was always at least a tite 2to3 ft chop sometimes more when we were coming back in. You see Ihave no reference to compare these to type of boats and would gladly pay some one for there trouble. They'res too much money at stake to be disatisfide
I'll go to 20 miles or so out chasing BF toona in my mod-V, weather permitting of course. And I have found that when I can't stand on the deck safely to fish :shock: , neither can the deep-V boats and we all turn around and head back to the barn. Thing is, the deep-V will be back there faster than me.

If I were a serious tuna fisherman routinely going out 30M as a comm boat ... #1 it wouldn't be on a Parker and #2 it would be a min 28 Downeaster , large built-down skegged hull, with a large HP diesel turning a big wheel.

But yes, I'd settle for an Albin 28TE with toona door and HP for a min 20mph cruise, as it was THE best tracking and riding hull Powerboat Reports ever tested (of those they tested anyway). But they never tested :oops: a true Downeaster, like a Royal Lowell hull of your choice, or a Wesmac or Young Brothers, says I ... who grew up on a Will Frost built Jonesport :) .
Unless you are going to be a fair-weather fisherman, or doing this for fun (non-commercial), I'd also suggest a totally different kind of boat. There are plenty of decent 28-36 foot built-down Downeast boats on the market right now. They can be expensive, but one that isn't fancy inside, and is a few years old can be a great buy. I don't think that you'll be happy with a Parker, any Parker at all, in the usual conditions out there. I've been out extensively in Mass Bay and GoM in a 42' Wesmac with first an 800HP 3406E, then a 700HP 6140 Lugger, and most recently a different hull with a 600HP 3406C... there have been many times I wished for a larger boat and more power. It gets snotty in the GoM in a big hurry. Our next boat is a 55' Wesmac with a C18-1000HP. That should do the trick.

I'd check out a small Duffy, BHM, or even a well-taken-care-of Bruno. Sure it'll cost more than a Parker, but it'll get you there and back in relative comfort, and provide a higher degree of safety.

If you are just a pleasure-boater, then ignore my advice. If its crappy, you aren't going to leave the dock, if its supposed to be bad, you won't leave, and if it gets snotty, you'll just turn around. Commercial folks don't really have those options.