So, I finished today. I can't seem to be able to get home before dark, no good pics.
One thing I did, sort of following up on
@Mpellet feedback, was to extend a ratchet strap from the tip of the pulpit rail, over the radar dome, to the back of the platform, kind of creating a crest / midline to support the cover and prevent it from sagging. Worked great. I used a neoprene pipe insulation to cushion the strap at points of contact.
View attachment 31558
View attachment 31556
It was dark, so hard to shoot good pics:
View attachment 31557
The length of the T27 is perfect, it wraps nicely around the anchor up front and goes around the Armstrong bracket in the back.
The side zippers permit access - I can get in and out of the boat, just unzip the side opening (without undoing the tie downs/straps).
View attachment 31559
Oh, and as an aside - those black dock rubber rail marks - come off completely and easily with acetone, no effort - a dub of acetone on a microfiber towel and those literally just wipe off.