Parker 2320 Sport Cabin Deep V Prop w/200hp HPDI

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Great Catch Charters

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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Hi all,

I just picked up a great 2002 Parker 2320 with only 200 hours on it here in CT.
I run a small fishing and sight seeing charter on LI Sound out of Milford.

I'll get to the point. My prop is the factory prop. 17x13-3/4. Also marked 17M. It is a black painted Stainless steel. I had 4 people on the boat and 75 gallons of fuel and had to trim way up with no tab to squeak out 5300. Normal trim I push 4900-5000 RPM.

Just seems like the prop is too big. Any suggestions out there? I've got a 15x15-1/4 Saltwater Series prop. Has anyone tried that combo with any luck? I just figure there is a lot of knowledge here and rather waste time if try to "fish" a good suggestion.

Any prop suggestions with a 2320 and a 200 HPDI combo would be appreciated.

You need to focus on RPMs and not which prop per se. You should hit 200, no more than 300 off the maximum rated RPMs for that motor. So if that is a 6K max RPM motor you should hit 5800 with std gear, 1/3rd to 1/2 fuel and 2 people aboard.
Then I guess I will leave good enough alone. That year 200 HPDI is rated for 5,500. As mentioned, I had to trim way up with no tabs at all to hit 5300. That said, I'm hoping someone out there has the exact same boat/engine combo and can chime it with what prop they run. I hate to grind this down to 16 and find out its wrong.
FYI, a 4-blade prop, like the Merc Rev4, should give better all-around performance and improve economy @ cruise speeds. 4-blades are IDEAL for heavy, single OB boats like Parkers.

Also check with Ken @ . They'll send you a prop and if not satisfied, you can exchange it for another. Super service! No props are cheap, but at least with them you end up with a prop ideal for your combo.
Also check your motor height.
Many boats from the factory were rigged with the motor being too deep causing the foot of the motor to 'drag' in the water hurting performance.

When on plane and trimmed, the cavitation plate should be just skimming the surface of the water.
If you can't see the cav plate while on plane, it's probably too deep.
Megabyte":k7lg9urx said:
When on plane and trimmed, the cavitation plate should be just skimming the surface of the water. If you can't see the cav plate while on plane, it's probably too deep.
Amen brother! ... just be sure to wear the prop to want to use BEFORE doing this as different props can require changes in settings.

A buddy has a walk-around 24' boat, similar to a Parker hull, but on;y 8'6" in beam and 18-degree deadrise, where mine is 9'6" in beam and 14-degree deadrise. But we both had the same OB motor on the stern and both on brackets.

We used the same premium prop - it gave my hull tremendous bow lift, to the point I had to use so much trim tabs that it killed the performance and economy. On his boat, that same prop, once we raised the motor, was killer!
I was hoping someone had the same combo to cut some of the guesswork.

I had 6 people on the boat yesterday for a charter. The 13-3/4x17 seemed way too sluggish. 12-15 seconds to get on plane. Granted I had about 100 gallons of fuel and a cooler with 24 bunker and 20 pounds of ice in the stern. I'd say i was pretty loaded. the stern sat so low that the splash area was under water on anchor and my bilge went off several times. Im assuming I need new o-rings in the deck plates. None of the marinas have them so i will try NAPA. I was surprised it sat so low but my 4 passengers liked to sit towards the stern. 150 gallon tank must be designed for running far on the first 50-75 gallons before you fish. I wouldn't want a full tank with 6 on board anchored.

I have a 15-1/4x15 SWS in the garage. The Parker engineer said it probably won't work but I'm going to give it a try.

I ran this prop on my Grady White Seafarer with an old 200 Precision Blend and with 90 gallons of fuel and 7 people it would rip and plan almost instantly. I figure its worth a try.

I also have ALOT of "wander" at low no wake speed. I've only had Grady's, Hydra Sports and Whalers. I'm guessing this is common for a deep V like my 2230. Maybe it's the prop? Maybe its just the way it is. Very sloppy in the harbor. I find my self steering like the old lady in the "where's the beef" Wendy's commercial in the harbor. Someone said to try to trim up and tab all the way down in the harbor. I will give that a shot.

After I try the 15-1/4x15 prop I will update to maybe offer someone else some help in picking a prop.
the stern sat so low that the splash area was under water on anchor and my bilge went off several times. Im assuming I need new o-rings in the deck plates. None of the marinas have them so i will try NAPA.

Look in the Yellow pages for Rubber & Gaskets.

They will stock large O-Rings.

You just plane had that boat loaded down. 200Hp on that boat? I'd want more.

Mine was a little sluggish yesterday to come on plane....Had to give it full tabs and full throttle. 3 adults and 9 kids on board.
Great Catch Charters":a1mil44p said:
Most props are usually once you buy it you own it.
Not so from Ken and PropGods ... that's why they were recommended!

Deep-V wander @ headway speeds is a known phenomena of deep-V hulls. I trim my LU up, but more so to decrease resistance (get it out from below the hull) and it is also then best positioned for reverse to shoot the thrust UNDER the hll instead of against it.

Do NOT over-correct or even correct for deep-V wander, set your heading and the boat will go there ... just NOT in a straight line ;) . Has to do w/ Bournoiulle (sp?) effect of hydronamics, pressure (RH prop) builds up, pushed hull, pressure releases, and repeats ...
. .. ..I own a 1999 2320 with a 200 HP Yamaha Saltwater Series II.. . .not you're exact set up, but the info may help you..... Motor is not on a bracket (notched hull) and the prop is a stainless 15 1/4 x 17. At WOT the rpm's are at 5000. I think it's a few hundred too low due to max for this motor is also 5500. I read here that summer (temps) can take a few off, so I will see what it gets in the fall, but that max was spring so I'm pretty sure it will be the same. . ... she gets the boat up on plane fine with three adults/fuel/gear. I cruise usually between 3900 - 4100 at around 21 -23 knots. . .. ..all depending on conditions.

. . . you said. ... you have the other prop already why not just try it out. ...easy enough to swap them.. . .or you can hand it off to me and I'll try it out :wink: :wink: Really interested to see what you get with it though!

. .. . .as far as sitting in the water when loaded. . .downfall of the notched transom and a fuel tank that is too far stern. I learned quickly not to fill her up too much for that reason. ....I replaced my O-rings this season. Didn't have much luck finding them local, and after paying shipping if ordered. . . :x I ended up making my own. I used 2.4 mm diameter gasket material. could probably get away with 3/32 too if necessary. With all the water that comes in the bilge is completely dry. Also make sure the seal around the hatch is still good. . .mine was not!

. . .good luck and be sure to update on your results.
I had a charter early this morning. 5 on the boat. Tabs down and outboard up in the harbor and it was 100 times better. Then I trimmed down and tabs up and did what Dale said and really set it and forget it and believe it or not it self corrected. I was amazed. It was back and forth but went "straight".

I am going to throw the 15-1/4x15 SWS on this weekend. The wind has been SE here and too rough to test it. The charter today was shortened by a couple of kids that turned green. 4' seas on LIS are on top of each other and not enjoyable. It was nice to see that my wiper worked! After I dropped off my charter I did crank it up and was very happy with the deep V in the rough stuff. 23 knots with ease.

I will update how the other prop performs. Just rough seas, lots of charters and my pesky "real job" have me tied up. Hopefully Saturday. Bottom line is the 17m is not the right prop but the 15-1/4x15 is in my car and worth a try.

Thanks for the advice as it was all good!
Sorry, I went to try the prop last week and apparently the guy who borrowed it spun the hub. I have to get a new hub kit before I try it!

Nothing goes easy!

. .. ..ohhhh that stinks! I'm still trying to find a used/spare one to try out before I buy new. . ...but I think it's going to get my rpm's right where I want them. ...
I can only jump in and comment on changing from black steel to stainless steel prop
Big difference in the SS prop. I can trim up higher and it still bites the water. This helped
with following seas when trimmed way up and able to run a little faster not to mention flat just out run'n.
15 1/2 x 17 SS from 15 x 17 black painted steel on a F250 with 2300 CC hull.

oh totally forgot... Congrats on the new boat and good luck with your charters.
Thanks! I'll never get rich running charters around here but it will support my habit of fishing in 9 years when I retire at 55 (hopefully). Nothing better than being on the water and making a few bucks. Especially when its teaching a family how to fish. Heck, I was doing it for free for a long time. Why not get paid...
I plan on getting the hub kit soon. It's a rod and rubber type hub that I need to special order unfortunately. I promise once I do to post the results.
The stock prop is definitely not the best prop now that I've run the boat 30 hours this month.
Ok, as promised, here is the update. I finally got the hub kit for the cushion lock hub on the Power Tech prop. I put it on Sunday and we had 3-4' seas but I took it out anyway to try it. 4 of us on the boat with 4 bars of fuel on the gauge. The Parker jumped right up on plane and ripped through the seas with the tabs down and the bow plowing. Rough seas seem good with this prop. I had my wife and daughter with me and they don't like rough conditions so we weren't out long.

Last night I took a ride with my son. Calmer seas, only light chop. Once again, almost an instant plane. I cracked it open and it shot right up to 5,300. I didn't keep it open as I want to go easy but I had a little left. At 5000 RPM I was turning 30 knots per the GPS

4600 seemed to be a nice cruise speed and I was holding 25 knots easily.

I think I lost a little on the top end and possibly the mid range but I feel like I have a 200hp two stroke back there and not a Poweglide tranny on a 1970 impala stuck in second gear anymore.

I will update as I use it more and when I have more passengers. I have a 5 person charter Saturday which will be a good indicator.

I'm thinking Eric at Parker telling me to cut the 17 pitch on the stock prop to 16 may be the ticket. I will see how this goes for for a while. So far I am much happier with the performance than I was with the 13-3/4x17 that was on here.