Parker Sport Cabin - Anchor Line Jamming

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May 28, 2024
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Morehead City, North Carolina
Pulling in the anchor line into that little covered hole is very frustrating as the anchor line is not heavy enough to fall down into the locker, thus causing it to pile up and jam. Does anyone have a fix for this? Would a windlass solve this issue or would it be the same issue?
Pulling in the anchor line into that little covered hole is very frustrating as the anchor line is not heavy enough to fall down into the locker, thus causing it to pile up and jam. Does anyone have a fix for this? Would a windlass solve this issue or would it be the same issue?
One 'fix' (or improvement) could be to re-locate the hole over the top of the deeper part of the anchor-rode locker.... It can also 'pile up and jam' with a windlass, so the windlass won't solve the problem. The type of line also plays a role. Older, and/or stiff, 3-strand line is worse than supple, softer braided line, that lays flatter.
What Andy said.... :) You can soften up that old line ..... Use a cooler.....Put the anchor line in it. Water and fabric softner with make it supple.
It's always a pain sticking your line back thru a 3in deck hole..... On ANY brand boat. Parker was notorious for not building a large enough anchor locker. I made mine Bigger. Start at THIS Page.
What Andy said.... :) You can soften up that old line ..... Use a cooler.....Put the anchor line in it. Water and fabric softner with make it supple.
It's always a pain sticking your line back thru a 3in deck hole..... On ANY brand boat. Parker was notorious for not building a large enough anchor locker. I made mine Bigger. Start at THIS Page.
Hi Wart, Agree on the fabric-softener solution, at least for some made with certain types of nylon. Over the years I've soaked a some dock lines and anchor rodes, and with some the fabric softener helped a lot; with others it didn't do as well. An old article in, if I remember correctly, Practical Sailor, described the different brands of lines/rodes and noted the different chemical make-up of the types of nylon that they used. Some 'by chemistry' were more supple than others. So, if someone tries the fabric-softener procedure on their anchor rode and doesn't get great results, try it on a couple dock lines and see how they do. Then, stick with the brand that uses the better nylon. If I can find that article, I'll post it here on CP..