prop help on a underpowerd 200-4stroke

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Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Long Island NY
interested in getting a new prop for my 2320 SC-swim platform- 200hp-4 stroke yamie ( i know underpowerd) to get a little more preformane out of it.I would like a stainless one.Does anybody know the prop to get for this setup and where?
Can you tell us what size and type of prop it is wearing now?
Its the factory black steel prop.Dont know the size pitch,ect.I will cut the shrinkwrap off soon and pull the prop to get the size.I was hoping somebody did the switch already,and could fill me in on the results.Do you guys think there is really much to gain??Or should i save the money and go for wider tabs?Or both!!Dang 200!!! :x Thanks guys
montauk555":2glky11l said:
Its the factory black steel prop.Dont know the size pitch,ect.

Once you pull the prop, the size will be seen like this on the backside...

montauk555":ylwrcbvu said:
Do you guys think there is really much to gain??Or should i save the money and go for wider tabs?Or both!!Dang 200!!! :x Thanks guys

You can...raise the motor 1 hole, install Bennett 12x24 or 9x30's, and change to a RevIV Merc prop. The smallest size is 17 pitch, not too sure you can use that much prop. Depends on what you have now and RPM's you run now.

You can...change to a black Yamaha prop of a lower pitch. For example, if you have a 17 pitch now, change to a 15 pitch. This is the same as driving your car in first gear (lower ratio) instead of "drive". Positives are boat will plane much easier and will hold plane better (smallest wave will not slow boat off plane). Negatives are increased motor RPM's and noise, lower top speed.

My choice...bite the bullet, buy a Yamaha 250-4 and be done with it. If you go for option "1", you'll be spending about $1500 for a bandaid. I have your hull in a CC and a 225-4. IMO, there is no amount of "tweaking" to fix a boat with 25 less hp and 700# more weight. You've got a great offshore performer it'll never reach its' potential with a 200 motor on it.

almost forgot, please don't call that appendage on the back of your boat a "swim platform". It's a transom Parker owners have an image to maintain! :D
Thanks for the info guys,sorry about the platform thing my bad :oops: Just curious if anyone would know how much the swapout would cost.I have 80hrs on the 2006 200hp-4 stroke.I dont know why parker would fit this boat 23dvsc with that motor.Its my fault for buying before investigating.I saw it ,wife agreed,dealer said 200 is plenty,i bought before wife changed her mind.There you have it.NEED A 250
IMO, it's just plain wrong to rig a 23' DV Parker with a 200 motor. Someone posted Whitewater Marine had a lot full of them. One of their salesman told a customer the 200 was fine, "lots of problems with the 250-4's" (absolutely false). Sad thing is there is only about $1500 difference between 200 and 250 new.

Maybe you could get your dealer (is it WWM?) to take your motor on consignment and re-rig no charge labor. Really not much to changing out the two motors.

There are lots of boat owners in the same boat as you...just look at all the underpowered "boat show specials" at the next boat show you attend!

Good luck
A 2320sc with a F200
Sounds like some one else made the same 10k mistake that I did !
10k is what is cost me to repower to a new F250 :cry: :( :x
What are some of your numbers with that prop, can you it wide open throttle? if not you are over propped that will make it hard to come out of the whole and also is bad for the motor, If the motor can rev past the Wot specs it is under propped also not good for engine. that black yamaha prop does not have a lot of cup in it, so the most they can take out of it is about a 200 rpm differance( if wot was only say 5300 rpms taking some cup out will make it spin a little free and might give you 5500 rpms) the best choice is to try and hook up with other guys who have props laying around and try them out. IT can turn EXPENSIVE to play this tuning game. Good luck!
Megabyte":n76xn2lw said:
montauk555":n76xn2lw said:
Its the factory black steel prop.Dont know the size pitch,ect.

Once you pull the prop, the size will be seen like this on the backside...



You busted my image of you. Your prop is not as clean as your bilge. :( :( :(
Check out Yamaha's site for performance bulletins to see what their tests indicate.
Porkchunker":iaq4tofh said:
You busted my image of you. Your prop is not as clean as your bilge. :( :( :(

The SS prop that replaced it is (cleaner). :D


Go to the online auctions and you will find Yamaha props being sold at prices at or less than $100 -- new in the box (NIB)! I picked up a couple of spares this way. I will never buy a prop and pay retail again. The auctions move quickly so be patient and some will turn up. The black steel series are easy to find; My guess is folks are switching factory props for polished stainless ones. Every one goes through the inevitable search for the holy grail of propellers at some point.

Good Luck!
Ranger Tim":38gq5rcu said:
Every one goes through the inevitable search for the holy grail of propellers at some point.

Ain't that the truth! :lol: We need to gather our collective wisdom here on ClassicParker and make it a bit easier on us all.

There are more than a few terrific posts here by Megabyte, B-Faithful, Esfishdoc and others with comparisons, fuel efficiency data etc. Great Stuff! Thanks guys, for taking the time to post your results. We all know this stuff ain't cheap, and sharing your data with us spares the rest of us from re-inventing the wheel (no pun intended :roll: ).

Are there Really -that- many permutations and combinations of prop sizing for Parkers? I understand that a lot depends on how you use (and load) your Parker, what the power is, and what kind of water you travel in, but,, can we make a few "general" recommendations based on Parker Model, Power and loading? Maybe a "universal" size and then a "recommended" size for loading?

i.e. - 2520XL w/Yam F-250 - either 15X17 or 14.5X17 if you are usually loaded and headed offshore.

(err, the boat is loaded, not the capt.!!! :shock: )

I hesitate to just rely on the dealer's judgement, because he has no clue what I am going to do with my Parker, and not all of us bought from a dealer anyway! Is there any way to wade through all the "Prop Voodoo" and come up with some sound guidelines based on the hundreds of collective years of Parker/Yamaha experience here?

I would think an Enertia prop (thin blades to turn more pitch), Mirage Plus (larger diameter), or Rev 4 (4 blade - tons of bite) would be your best bet. I believe the Enertia prop comes in even size pitches like 16" and 18" to even tune more. Only bad part is that it is expensive to find the right prop. I bought 3 props to test, chose, one and sold the others on forums. Only people who make out on people testing props are ups and dealer. SIM on THT has about the best prices on Merc props (yes a yamaha dealer). check with him.

I must say that a shiney new prop is like outboard jewelery :D

(Here is a 15" rev 4 Megabyte tested on his boat -- not enough pitch for either of us with 2 stokes. I settled for the 17" Rev 4)


As you can see the surface area of the blades is greatly increased over a 3 blade solas

B-Faithful said:
SIM on THT has about the best prices on Merc props (yes a yamaha dealer).

Yamaha dealers have all the good stuff! :wink:
B-Faithful said:
SIM on THT has about the best prices on Merc props (yes a yamaha dealer).

Yamaha dealers have all the good stuff! :wink: