Re Power Advice please.

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Mar 29, 2021
Reaction score
I have a 2001 2300DV. Bought it at auction in SW FL and am rehabbing it. It did not have an engine so I will need one and rigging.
I am considering a new or 300 Suzuki. My biggest question is since I have no components wouldn’t fly by wire make more sense? Thanks for everyone’s help. Just getting started.
Fly by wire is the way of the future so I see no reason why you wouldn't go that way. My former boat had it for throttle, not shifting and never had a problem in the eleven years i owned it.
RE-powered with a Suzuki 250 from my Yama 250 on my 2008 2300 DVCC . I had cables for shift on the Yama and now with the Suzuki. Don’t even notice them.