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Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Hey guys, I was wondering how many of you use ringfree and do you think it helps. I have had my F250 for one season now and used it only twice. I want to make a decision whether to use after every fill up or not us it at all.
I believe that Yamaha now recommends the use of RingFree in all of their motors. I believe that it was only recommended in the 2-stroke motors previously, but you can verify that by checking your owners manual or by asking your local shop.

That said, I use RingFree in the 'maintenance' dose of 1 ounce per 10 gallons of fuel in my 225 OX66, and I do so at every fill-up.

My dealers shop has a failed piston on display on their shop counter. The rings are caked with carbon which caused them to seize, thereby destroying the cylinder bore for that piston and ultimately, the motor.

1 oz of RingFree per 10 gallons of fuel seems like good insurance to me.
I use it at every fill up, also in the maintenance mode mixture. I thought it was one ounce per 15 gallons though. I'll have to check the bottle tonight.
I'd use it on ANY motor with a O2 sensor. Here's a link on "How To' clean it. Hopefully TomS will chime in, as he's done his.


The author Bill is one sharp guy, a true OB guru!
Neighbor has twin 115 yammies on 24 ft boat. Motors have about 1300 hrs and have been well maintained, but he did not believe in additives. Gas it up and go for years.... One motor developed a severe knock and lost power and he decided it was time for a new powerhead. His mech disagreed and prescribed shock treatment and heavy doses of ring-free. With the shock treatment, he saw improvement, and over time, the knock went away and his performance stats now are very close to new. He's a ring-free zealot now!
I just spoke to Yamaha directly (a few days ago) about my '08 200 HP 4 stroke and they recommend both Ring Free and Yamaha stabilizer/conditioner with every fill up. Of course, to ensure everything will be within their warranty, I'll only be using Yamaha products. I'm sure other products are also good, but it's not worth me "testing" them out. I've used Ring Free for several years on my '93 250 HP 2 stroke and never had any problems.
The old expresion was pay me now or pay me later.
With todays new engines it is best to use the lubricants and additives that the manufacturer states.
Granted the initial cost will be higher, but when there is a problem dont look for hindsight being 20/20
An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.
Thats enough convincing for me lol, thanks for all your input. Does anyone know where to buy this stuff in larger quantities online?
how much are you guys paying for ring free. i think ive been paying something like $30 a quart.
hi there, this is actually trash lady..

We will be breaking in our Parker in 2 weeks. I am sold on the Ring free but one of you guys also mentioned some kind of conditioner in addition to the Ring free. I have emailed the marine in Washington that Megabyte mentioned. So I am curious about the price.
There are multiple products on the market that mimic the cleaning properties of Ringfree. Ringfree just happens to be the one that Yamaha recommends. If you are breaking in a new motor and want to stay within the manufacturers recommendations during the warranty period, stick with Ringfree.

If you typically don't burn a lot of fuel, you might also want to consider a fuel stabilizer such as Sta-Bil. Traditionally, Sta-Bil is red in color, but last year I noticed a "marine specific" Sta-Bil product in Boaters World that was dark blue. It is supposedly formulated with ethanol fuels and the marine environment in mind, but I have no idea if that is fact or marketing hype.

In the "other products that do the same thing" catagory is Star*Tron which is both a fuel conditioner and a decarbon agent. Star*Tron (and similar products such as QuikKleen) are possibilities for those of us that are long past worrying about a manufacturers warranty, and just want to use something good.

FWIW, I use RingFree and Star*Tron in my 1997 Yamaha 225 OX66.
I guess that means I'm a (virtual) belt-and-suspenders guy. :D
trashman":1llf6org said:
hi there, this is actually trash lady..

We will be breaking in our Parker in 2 weeks. I am sold on the Ring free but one of you guys also mentioned some kind of conditioner in addition to the Ring free. I have emailed the marine in Washington that Megabyte mentioned. So I am curious about the price.

Startron is a stabilzer that is used for E-10, you can get this at Wal-Mart

You can pick up Ring Free at Beacon Light Marina. Get in good with Chris Pine the service manager, if you need anything he can help you out.

I've used Ring Free at 1 oz per 10 gal since the boat was new. I now have 650 hours on each motor, and they purr like kittens.

When I take it in for the annual service to Tri-State, and report a rough idling motor, Harvey has the techs do a "shock treatment" and the problem goes away. Apparently marine engines build up more carbon that your average car/truck.

