That's a fairly common crack on those boxes. I've ground the area down and was able to confirm that my cracks were only in the gelcoat. I ground the area out, sanded it with 100 grit, cleaned it well, and applied new gelcoat. I've repaired those spots on my boxes several times, and they always seem to come back after a few seasons. Your crack looks a bit deeper and more jagged, so just make sure that it's not a crack in the fiberglass.
I know it's not the "correct" fix, but at this point I've just thoroughly dried them, and packed with 5200. My cracks were not structural, so I just need to make sure the water stays out. If your cracks are gelcoat only, just seal them up. If it goes into the fiberglass, you may need to do a structural fix. The 5200 flexes and has held up better than the previous gelcoat repairs.
For what it's worth, I've removed that seat cushion and no longer let anyone sit or stand on that box, just to avoid stressing it more.