OK guys and gals let’s get the ball rolling. We need to get some kind of game plan for this Rendezvous. Joe’s a little busy so let’s give him a hand. Last year was a blast but we never really got to do much as a group. Since it was the first time we got together, just checking out each other’s boats and getting to know one another was enough. The pot luck worked out great so I think we should do that again. I just don’t know what to do as far as timing. We should have seabass around so what’s a good time to get together?
Maybe we can find some nice water to see what a Parker looks like going 50+MPH. I know somebody’s got those big twins.
We really should try to get some pictures of all the boats. I mean it’s really hard to get a nice pic of your own boat so let’s try to do a photo shoot, hint, hint, Dave.
How about a casting contest, or all bet a few of the guys would love a back flip contest. We only have a couple of weeks, come on and throw out some ideas.