O.K. Final tab, weatherman says 3-5 light wind,

who’s in and what are your plans?
Fish your way over to Catalina, for the first SoCal ClassicParker weigh in and BBQ at 1:00 PM in Forth of July Cove. How about each boat takes care of their basic food needs and we have a potluck for finger food type munchies.
I’m hoping the bugs crawl well so it will be a quick venture out and back so we can continue the festivities. Any ideas for Sunday?
Here’s the list, who’s in?
Screen Name----Name-----Boat name-----Plans
1. TopShot25---- John-------Boat “Horndog” -----Fishing-BBQ-hooping-Spending the night, Friday-Sunday.
2. Peregrine---Jeff-----------Boat “Peregrine“ -----Drowning some squid-BBQ-
3. Brian S-----Brian & Kim----Boat "Triple Limits" -----Fishing-BBQ-hooping-Spending the night.
4. WhalinDave--Dave--------Boat "Sweet Pickle" -----Fishing-BBQ-hooping-Spending the night, Friday-Sunday.
5. sofish----------------------------------------------------Fishing-BBQ----------------------------------------
6. dbrantley2320--David-------Boat "Tunatango--------Fishing-BBQ----------------------------------------
What to bring, help me add to the list.
Potluck finger foods
Hoopnets-everyone needs a new license and lobster cards.
Oh, and don’t forget your Parker