I am underwhelmed by the 12"x12" tabs that came with my 2019 CC 2300 DV and would like to change them out this winter. I have moved the F300 Yam up two holes and have a stern lifting Merc Rev 4 17P prop. I frequently run out of tab and the nose doesn't go down like I would like it to. It is especially bad when loaded for fishing as the stern fishbox is full of ice, transom live well full and 3-4 adults with gear all behind the console. I have seen another local with a 2000 era hull that has 18" wide, 14" long Lenco's he told me he could just about put the nose underwater. I have heard that it is better to have longer tabs than wider. Any input or disucssion would be helpful. I was thinking of Lenco HD Performace Trim Tab 18"L x 14"W #15044-101.
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