Weekend Work:

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Franktown, Virginia 23354
I'm taking a break after successfully drilling through the gunwales for an extra pair of rod holders. I purchased the 30 degree C.E. Smith rod holders from BOE Marine (Yachtjim).

I'll get pictures up on this thread later.

I'm going back now to mount my Lee center rigger. Then on to the 30 X 9 Bennett trim tabs...... and then the F225 water pump/impeller.

We'll see just how much I get done... I've been working way too many hours lately and I need a little R n R mixed in with the boat work.

Also got an 18 X 12 storage building delivered today. Maybe I'll get my fishing equipment and tools organized!

Overall it feels good to be over the fear of drilling holes in the Parker and get on with the serious business of personal modifications.


esfishdoc":2pp4v3vx said:
Overall it feels good to be over the fear of drilling holes in the Parker ...
Oh my gawd you'd faint if you have ever seen the surgery I've done to my boats :shock: ! But all good though! At least my Pahka only needed a loving owner.

Have fun Richard!
Can't wait to see those big flippers!
That project post alone will be worth it's weight in gold! :wink:
Richard - when you are finished with your projects, you are more than welcome to take a ride to help with my projects. Heck I will even supply the beer. Really, good luck with the projects and please take lots of pictures.
The rod holders turned out to be quite easy.

The outside diameter of the rod holder was 2 inches and I used a 2 1/8 hole saw. I used a shallow saw with a pilot to get things started and then with the drill running, slowly angle it to match rod holder's angle. I had the rod holder upside down on the gunnale next to the drill to achieve this eyeball accuracy. I then switched to a deeper hole saw which was also 2 1/8 to finish off the job. I have near zero experience with hole saws and this was pretty easy.

I chose the slightly overisize saw as I figured the angle wouldn't be perfect and this would provide a little wiggle room. I intentionally set the holder a little off center toward the outer edge of gunwale.

There was plenty of chipping of gelcoat but none will be noticeable. I'm going to cover all the exposed surface with epoxy before the final installation.


Here are the two plugs. I know they look rough. When the job is done all that will show is a nice shiny rod holder.

I got off to a slow start today and didn't get to work until around noon. The sunshine and 62 degree temps were gone by around one and the clouds came in and the wind picked up.

I drilled the holes for the rod holders and then coated the inside surfaces with epoxy.



Since I had the epoxy out I figured I'd get started on the bottom of the boat where the foward bunk had rubbed off some gelcoat. I have no idea how many times I've launched and loaded the boat but I would say over 100 times is a conservative number.



I've got the first coat on and all I can say is I'm glad no one was watching. With the drips and runs and learning to work with this West System epoxy it is going to take a couple of coats and a lot of sanding to make it right.

The center rigger is mounted and all that is left is to clean up the area where the previous stern light was mounted and then mount a new LED light in front of the center rigger.


I didn't get much done with the trim tabs other than starting to mount the pump in the bilge. It is going to be mounted on the forward bilge bulkhead in front of the batteries. I've got the switch mounted and the wiring done.

Here are a couple parting shots... wishin I was fishin....


Nice work efish! Nice boat also.
A little off topic. I am interested in a 2530 that does not have a second station and I noticed yours. Would you mind posting some pics of how it is rigged. And what are your thoughts on the bulkhead mounted helm. I know this is an old question here on CP but I searched and did not find exactly what I am looking for. Thanks in advance.
Bryan..... I'll try and find some pictures or take some new ones to help out.

I've just cleaned up and I feel like I made some progress.

Rod Holder Pictures:



Next up.... trim Tabs
Here is a shot of the pump that is mounted in the bilge on the forward bulkhead. Looking at this picture is the first time I'm seeing the pump right side up as the complete installation is viewed upside down..... laying on my belly with my head and one hand only working on this... keep in mind I still need to properly route hose and secure.



Port side drilled.


Tab screwed on.....


Actuator attached on starboard

Here is a picture that really shows just how big these 30 X 9's are. This is prior to drilling through the transom for the hoses.


There was no way to run the line right into the actuator so I had to choose a spot for the hose to run through the transom and then over to the actuator. This spot seemed the best and exits the transom right under the bracket.


Here is a picture of the tab in neutral.


Here is the starboard tab fully deployed.


And one of the port tab fully deployed.

I've still have plenty to do with cleaning and covering the wound from removing the Lenco's.

I'm a good two weeks away from getting the boat out on the water to sea trial these tabs.

I can only hope for a windy day!

Starting Monday I'm stuck working the next 8 of 10 days. :cry:

Parker":2td9eqge said:
Richard - when you are finished with your projects, you are more than welcome to take a ride to help with my projects. Heck I will even supply the beer. Really, good luck with the projects and please take lots of pictures.

I don't drink but my favorite restaurant in the world happens to be in Philly......

One of the Iron Chefs.... Morimoto!


I haven't been there going on two years.... time to fix that!
Like my friend Malcolm says, "if you're gonna be a bear, be a grizzly".

I had the tabs fully deployed and a gust of wind came along and just about lifted the stern off the trailer!
Wow.. excellent posts Richard. A two-fer ! :lol: :lol: Tabs -and- the rod holders. Those 30-inch tabs look awesome! It's gonna be like you just added 5% free planing surface area to your hull!.

I am extremely jealous because the spring project gun has already gone off for you, and up here in NE we are still waiting for the winter glaciers to melt.

Keep up the good work (and Photos!) 8)
