Hi JET O Wey, There's a long, recent thread here on ClassicParker about a similar broken window issue. My 'contribution' to that thread, in short, was that I had to make template and a specialty glass company custom-made the piece of tempered glass (Take note: I had to buy it twice as I failed to note the needed thickness on my template). Others offered better suggestions, but I don't remember them off the top of my head. I think their boats were new enough that they were able to order it from the window company. With yours being a 1990, that might not be available? You are correct, it is not easy to get the frame apart, but it is do-able.The windshield on the pilot side got broken, can't seem to find the replacement glass anywhere and also looks like a tricky job. Doe not look easy to get the frame apart to insert the replacement glass. Any one have experience with this? Pic attached.
Hey JET O Wey, I tried to find/search the post; no luck so far. I remember that it was a 'recent' post; the last month or so. The OP had a picture of his boat with a broken window, on the trailer, on what appears to be a farm or a large rural home site. He thought maybe freeze-thaw had caused the window to break. I think he discovered it was a vandal. I believe he was in Virginia.... I mention all this in case he (or someone else here) recognizes I'm referring to him, and he chimes in and sends you a link to his post....Thank you Andy, will have to look some more for the other thread, no luck so far (do you have a date I could search y that). The frame issue aside from the screws being frozen, the screws down close to the "daskboard" no room to drill out the old screws and maybe retap for new screws. Maybe can get away with just removing the top section, must cut it -uggg...seems pretty tricky.
@Andy are you talking about this one?Hey JET O Wey, I tried to find/search the post; no luck so far. I remember that it was a 'recent' post; the last month or so. The OP had a picture of his boat with a broken window, on the trailer, on what appears to be a farm or a large rural home site. He thought maybe freeze-thaw had caused the window to break. I think he discovered it was a vandal. I believe he was in Virginia.... I mention all this in case he (or someone else here) recognizes I'm referring to him, and he chimes in and sends you a link to his post....
Yes!! Thank you very much! I mentioned to Jet O Wey that you found the link...@Andy are you talking about this one?
atcbill, found the thread.... look below....Thank you Andy, will have to look some more for the other thread, no luck so far (do you have a date I could search y that). The frame issue aside from the screws being frozen, the screws down close to the "daskboard" no room to drill out the old screws and maybe retap for new screws. Maybe can get away with just removing the top section, must cut it -uggg...seems pretty tricky.