Yamaha 4 stroke 150

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2010
Reaction score
Point PLeasant NJ
While cleaning up my boat after a day of fishing I was about to flush out my engine when i realized the flush out hose had come undone and was not connected. It must have come loose and disconnected while comming back in to the marina. Due to the fact that i may have been operating the boat w/o this hose connected what can i expect damage wise or is the engine have an alternate way of cooling itself. No alarms sounded on the way into the marina.
youre fine. As long as you didnt overheat. From my understanding its like a right hand turn out of the main system so not much water will end up making it way to that hose and out of the system. Not to mention the water is getting drawn up from the lower unit and probably already has passed through the system that needs cooling and is on its way to discharge as it goes by that hose. So as long as you didnt get an alarm for overheating youre fine. I drove around an entire day. Only thing that happened was i lost the yellow gasket in the end of the hose fitting.
Good to hear. Thats what i thought but i wanted to make sure. Thanks alot. PS. i hope now that they capped that spill nothing sevre makes it your way
yeah shockingly chicken littles doomsday report for the east coast has yet to even come close to happening. Not that its good that its only in the Gulf but it was supposed to be here a month ago according to the stupid little current they were showing. Anyways hope for a speedy cleanup and no more set backs