Yamaha F250 Upgrade Question

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bent monkey

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Redondo Beach, CA
OK, I have a Yamaha 225 OX 66 2 stroke that runs like a top, nothing wrong with it. A local shop has a 'brand new' F250A, the one that still shifts with cables, that has about 20 hours on it and can be bought for 14k, with a 5 year warranty. The F250B, the "fly" by wire, is the new model released by Yamaha but to upgrade to that it will cost about 21k for all the goodies not including tax. So my question, is it worth the extra 6500.00 or so to upgrade to digital controls or jump on this offer for 14k and save thousands. They said that the actual engine itself is the same and the only change is the electronic shifting.
Also, they feel that they can sell my engine for about 4-5k so that will help. Just wanted to see if anyone here had an opinion on the new fly by wire. Personally I do not like to buy 1st generation changes like this and just seems that there are now more things to go wrong with all of the electronics and computers on the engine.
bent monkey":21docic1 said:
... 'brand new' F250A ... can be bought for 14k, with a 5 year warranty ... jump on this offer for 14k and save thousands.

... they feel that they can sell my engine for about 4-5k so that will help.
So to me the question is ... is it worth it NOW to upgrade to fuel efficiency of a 4-stroke motor for $10K?

If you are going to HOLD onto the boat for 5 or more years, then maybe yes. But if not, there's NO WAY I would do that, as you'd never recoup the money for this OB upgrade.

There comes a point in time when the rig isn't really worth as much as much $$ as it should or could be ... due to OLD power (age, not technology, though it bears into it) being on the stern.

If you have the $$ available, to me it is an option worth pursuing. I'd jump on a chance to upgrade to a year or two old Suzuki 250hp for such a price, if I could find a guy who had $$ and just had to get the Suzi 300hp.
The reason for the upgrade is decrease in noise while under way, I can't shut the cabin door on a 2310, and fuel efficiency, increasing my range. At $3.00 plus a gallon it costs around $450 to fill up and then add Yamalube at $25/gallon and it is over $500.00!
Currently I am burning about 14gph when fully loaded and cruising about 25 knots or so, I don't really keep close attention to my mpg or gph, always have my eye out for fish :). I think it equates out to about 1mpg when fully loaded, bait tank, 150 gallons fuel, 3 guys and ice chests and beer.
I will keep the boat more than 5 years, probably for a lot longer, these really are 'hundred year hulls'.
FishFactory":3d71y86v said:
Guy in fishing club (I'm in NC) just pd $12,500 for 250-4 Yamaha, no controls (everything he had, could reuse). Change out labor (hang motor and hook up existing controls $600), extra.
Any chance you could find out the shp where he got it from? The sales tax here in Ca is almost 10% and I would like to save money anywhere I can.
Also, I agree, the FBW adds nothing for me but is nice for a guy with twins due to the better sync.
FishFactory":1b5fn0hx said:
Yer got twin 250-2s on a 2310. That boat should jump!

Take me a day or so, I'll check out motor inf. Pretty sure motor came from NC. I remember these 250-4's do NOT have FBW.

Still interested?
No, I don't have twins, I was saying that for a guy with Twins the FBW is great, I have the old Notch Transom, one man, one engine......
I do not want FBW either but do want a good deal :D
I wil see if I can lookup some Yamaha dealers in NC and call around, but if you get the name it would be apreciated.

This is strictly my opinion only. But if you have the cash available and wont need it for something important later, and be upset you did, go on with it! Get it done and dont look back, you'll be happy you did. With what you'll be saving on Yamalube alone you can almost pay for all your annual maintnance. I have a Yamaha 250 Four stroke on a 2520XL and it is very smooth, quiet, and economical at all rpms. I am very pleased with it. To add to Dale's comment I had a Suzuki 2006 Four stroke 250 on my last boat. It is an awesome engine, just a little louder than the Yamaha but a lot more stomp!

Catfish":1l4andmd said:

This is strictly my opinion only. But if you have the cash available and wont need it for something important later, and be upset you did, go on with it! Get it done and dont look back, you'll be happy you did. With what you'll be saving on Yamalube alone you can almost pay for all your annual maintnance. I have a Yamaha 250 Four stroke on a 2520XL and it is very smooth, quiet, and economical at all rpms. I am very pleased with it. To add to Dale's comment I had a Suzuki 2006 Four stroke 250 on my last boat. It is an awesome engine, just a little louder than the Yamaha but a lot more stomp!

Thank you for your input, every bit of input like this makes it easier for me to pull the trigger. The deal is for a 'brand new' F250 that has 20 hours on it. Basically a guy with a pursuit had 2 of these on his boat but the dealer took them back so he could trade up to the electronic shifting and sync, I don't care about that stuff so I get the engine and the 5 year warranty for 14k and all of the quotes for the new F250B are over 21 due to all of the new controls and gadgets you need, and they think they can get almost 5k for my OX 66 so that new 4 stroke may only cost me about 10k Like Dale pointed out, I can live with that. You're right about the Yamalube, not only is it expensive but just a PITA, and no matter what funnel I use I always spill when adding oil to the tank.
Anyway, like I said earlier, I do not have a cabin door that I can shut to get way from the sound of my 225 at 4500 RPM's, just annoying on my 2 hour runs!
It looks like I will be taking the boat down on Tuesday for her upgrade :D
FishFactory":zbj38p3f said:

a-Buy some extra starters. Yamahas are so quiet, you'll constantly be "re-starting" the motor.

b-Get a new "gas money jar" about half the size of present one.

c-Become used to looks of amazement from friends and comments like (after 2 hrs of slow trolling) "That thing just keeps purring along"

Got it! Man I am like a kid on Christmas Eve, you have no idea! Some of my buddies kinda backed away from going out with me due to the amount of fuel burned, I am sure they will come crawling back now!
I have heard that about the starters, a buddy of mine has an 89 2520 and repowered with a 4 stroke and he has attempted to start an already running engine many times!
Not only that from what I have discovered this F250 will only add about 100lbs., I thought it would be more in the 200lb. range but guess I was wrong.
Thanks Again!
Sean and Fish Factory:

Sean I have a dual station 2520 XL with morse controls. I dont see the advantage of FBW unless you have Triple engines or some other reason. All the bigger sport fish have had dual controls for half a century. Im not taking anything away from them at all, I just dont see the need on my boat.

Fish Factory:

In my neck of the woods we call that "Perpetrating" A Yamaha Owner when he shoud be "Representing" A Yamaha Owner!

FishFactory":5w1rsstp said:
If yer don't get the Yamaha Cap and Shirt w/new motor, PM me a "safe" mailing address and I'll hook you up. (it will take a while before I re-stock).

Pic of non-Yamaha dude (B-Faithful) faking ownership. :lol:

Bahhhh! :lol: At the time, that was as close as Yamaha had been to electronic controls 8) :lol:

I am back to cables (which makes me really appreciated the DTS pictured on my old boat there) but must say that the quietness of a four stroke is like a piece of heaven when trolling all day.. Of course nothing is louder than my old optimax and the OX66's arent too bad with noise while trolling from my experience. They are much quieter than my opti was. . With that said DTS is awesome. However if you dont have to rerig to hang a new motor than why do it. It is only worth the addtional money on a new boat or if you have to redo controlls anyhow.. If you dont have to buy controls then use the old ones and use the money saved for fuel, tackle, electronics upgrades, etc!
Thanks for the Replies and input, I am getting excited to get my new 4 stroke!
My OX 66 has treated me very well over the years, never one problem what-so-ever, amazing for a 12 year old engine.
Really looking forward to the increased range and the tranquility, I love my OX 66 but she is loud and thirsty, kinda like a chick I dated a few years back but that is a different thread!