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    what to say

    Welcome to Classic Parker! Nice jump from a 17' to a 21';... and congratulations on your retirement!
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    Hey Sam, welcome to Classic Parker! Which pilothouse model do you have? Post some pictures when you get a chance....
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    Hello from Connecticut

    You folks from Connecticut are a hardy bunch of boaters! In 1983, after flying out of 60-degree North Carolina, we spent a cold day doing a 'sea-trial' on a boat we were buying in Cos Cob. It was 'on the hard', and was lowered into the Mianus River with a huge old crane. They brought in another...
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    Seakeeper Ride on a 2520XLD?

    Thank you; I failed to read all of the posts before asking. I am familiar with both systems, and the $10K price should have spurred my memory as a dead giveaway that they weren't talking about the Gyro version.
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    Seakeeper Ride on a 2520XLD?

    Could you post some photos of the installation? Where is it installed on your 2820? I think a Seakeeper might fit in the space under the pilothouse floor. We have a hatch there on our 2520 XLD and there's a large void/space right in front of the black-water holding tank.
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    UFOs, UAPs, and USOs

    I've seen many USO's, but I've not seen anything I would classify as an UAP's as the DofD defines them. I've hit USO's numerous times in my 60+ years afloat. Some of them I eventually 'identified', but until I did, they were USO's! ☺....
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    So Cal Fishing

    The only thing more awesome than the fish you caught, is the boat you caught them with!
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    2520 Re-power with twin Suzuki 200's

    I know you weren't asking me, but here's 2-cents with our 2520 XLD (deep-v), 300 Yamaha. We average 2.1-2.2 mpg, around 4200-4300 rpm, 30 mph, Usually 2-3 people, heavy 1" all S/S bimini, standard gear/chairs/coolers/ fishing tackle etc. When 200 gallon tank is full, it's more like 4500-4600...
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    Repower question

    Go with a new system, with fly-by-wire; they are super reliable and super-smooth to control. Our 2014, 300 Yamaha with fbw has been flawless, now into the 11th year of operation.
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    New Member

    Hi Chris, welcome to Classic Parker! Love the photos of your 2300DV; great rig you got there! We look forward to your participation here on Classic Parker...
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    21 se comparison

    Three of our local marina's that sell fuel have ValveTect, and it is usually at least a dollar per gallon more than what we see at the shoreside pumps. Since I only trailer the boat for hurricane haul-outs, I get my gas at marinas. When I first got the boat I bought some ValveTect shoreside and...
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    21 se comparison

    Does using Valve-Tect gasoline negate the needed for Star Tron? Are the additives in Valve-Tect similar? the same? as Star Tron...
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    New 2320 SC Parker Owners - w/Some Questions For Experienced Owners

    Hi Dusky, Sorry to stick my nose into your post. We'd like hear from Swatski as he was an active member when he had his Parker, (He posted some of the best Parker photos!), but we've not heard much from him since he sold his Parker and bought a larger, different brand of boat a couple years ago...
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    Madeira Beach FL (ICW near St Petersburg)

    Welcome to Classic Parker! You've come to the right place to learn about Parker boats. There's a lot of great information here, from a lot of knowledgeable Parker owners who are willing to share their expertise...