It’s really going to depend. There’s no set answer, because there’s tons of different setups and layouts. I’ll give you my perspective, from a 1700 which has about the same layout as an 1800/1801.
-I can sort of operate the boat while sitting on the leaning post, but I have to hunch forward. However, I positioned the leaning post, so it’s going to be different than anyone else’s boat. It’s also an aftermarket LP.
-You could probably tend traps from the bow, but I think overall a bimini would get in the way. Haven’t tried it, don’t have a bimini.
-Get a raw water washdown, hydraulic steering, and trim tabs. I would eliminate the forward casting platform; if you want to store crab traps, you’re gonna need the room. If you’re running trot lines it might be beneficial. Depends on how you use the boat.
-Go to West Marine and play with the different brands of electronics. The factory only offers Garmin, so if you dislike that or prefer something different, you’ll have to order the boat bare. Your dealer may be willing to install a different brand for you; otherwise, give me a call, I do electronics/electrical work in your area (shameless plug
