Alittle Help is this a Scam!!!!

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Keith FDNY

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
New York
I had another pair of coaming pads for sale guy,so guy contacted me on them told me he is sending check and little more for the shipping!!! So the pads are $150.00 dollars so i open this UPS letter i just got and its check from the guy the check is $1,850.00 dollars and go cash check wait for it to clear and then dedeuct the money for the Coaming Pads and Shipping and send rest of it via western Uniom or money gram to another address.From looking at the
check it is a business check with the name of company and all,just seems
weird to
me,i might just send it back so i dont have any worries
Put it through a shredder.
It is a take-off on a well known scam.

Or... turn it over to the cops and see if they care to run it to ground.
I'm betting they won't want to deal with it, but you never know.
Nigerian scam. I had someone trying to do the same thing on one of my other boats I was selling. They got my info off of Once I said the word SCAM to them I never heard from them again. That check will initially clear then come back and haunt you. Randy.
Thanks guys i knew a few of you guys would know something about it!!!I owe you all a drink with this stuff,dam scammers!!!!
You can report it and hopefully an investigation will begin. Most local PDs don't have the personel or expertize to investigate these things.

Here is a link to file a complaint.
Look at this ****!!!I cant believe it!! And it has been sent to proper people!

How are you today?I tracked the status of the check and i confirmed it's been delivered. Here is the tracking # for the package from ups(1Z6W43Y40191627379).
I want you to go ahead and cash the check if you've gotten it and as soon as you cashed it, you're to deduct your amount of ($150) with an extra $100 for the money gram transfer charges and send the excess amount of ($1600) via money gram at any walmart store near you to the shipping co. so they can come for pickup of the Unit. (The shipper will be picking several other items for me from different locations, so they are in need of the fund asap)

Below is the information which you're to send the fund via money gram:

Name: Kristine Frank
City: Boston
State: MA
Zip Code: 02128

You're to get back to me with the following informations so i can forward it to the shipping co. for them to be able to receive the fund and come over for the pick up.
(1) Sender's name and address.
(2) Total amount sent.
(3) Money Gram Reference #.

I'll look forward to read from you soon

Thanks for your honesty.
Have fun with her. Tell her your bank needs a copy of her drivers license and as soon as you get that, you will send her a check. Tell her the check will be drawn on a brand new account you just opened and it's only funds are the ones from her check. Tell her you will are going to reimburse her for the cost of postage for sending you her drivers license because she is so honest and accomodating. :lol:
being an accomplished ball-buster (from 25 yrs.@ the firehouse) i would play with her also. prior suggestions seem like a good start. maybe suggest that you should keep a little more for your troubles. since you may be in boston soon, perhaps meet for cocktails & a personal delivery. keep her interested & trying..........

have fun but don't risk any of your cash imho