Care of new tabs

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Active member
Nov 7, 2006
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St. Leonard, MD
Dale you had mentioned in a discussion last year that you did not paint your trim tabs. You indicated that a scrub with a brush here and there took care of the fuzzys and you were considering using cooking spray as an algae deterrent. Is your opinion still no paint? How did the cooking spray work out? I have installed a new set of tabs during the off season. I had also felt no paint was the way to go but was looking for experience to back up logic. If the cooking spray did not work out I am considering some super slick stuff we use on the leading edges of the executive jets I work on to see if that helps. Ideas are welcome, NHR
If you paint them, you may be inviting electrolysis. You may have that problem ANYWAY, but painting could make it worse. hit them with a WHITE SCOTCHBRITE PAD and they will stay clean and shiny
bajadude":37ukw6ap said:
If you paint them, you may be inviting electrolysis.
FWIW provided you 'paint' using the 3-step method like that Pettitt Marine advocates for stainless steel and underwater use... then you won't have electrolysis due to your anti-fouling paint. The 1st coat is an acid-etch coat, followed by a rubber-based 'tie coat' primer, followed by whatever anti-fouling paint you want. FYI - it is the tie coat primer that protects and/or insulates the parent tab material from the A-F paint, even if cuprous-based.

I too don't paint my tabs, but scrub them occasionally ... and I've tried EVERY wax or polish to try and prevent build-up!

I think the final cure for me will be a non-copped-based anti-fouling paint ... someday, when I find a small can of ePaint or similar for a reasonable price - it is expen$ive :shock: !
Was thinking of using interlux interprotect 2000E on the boat bottom as my 2120SC has not been painted and also using it on the trim tabs. IMO trim tabs should have zinc anodes. On previous boats always painted them with same copper based paint as i used on the bottom. Never had marine growth or corrosion problems....guess the zincs took care of that. By the way it looks like the 2007 Parkers all have a half of a large rudder zincs on the trim tabs. At least those at White Water Marine on Long Island did.

Last boat I had I removed the tabs and had them powder coated, lightly sanded and then bottom painted. That combination worked best for me to date. Hope the interprotect works as well.
