Does anybody have Linwood's e mail address?

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Daydreamer":ipqo6n9p said:
I received a callback from Linwood this afternoon and Parker is back on the case trying to resolve my issue. Apparently the technician who sent the response originally is no longer working with them so I got lost in the shuffle. If they find a resolve I will let the board know incase somebody else has the same issue.

But you didn't get an email response, right? :>)
I basically have the same issue with my 2520 xld but to be honest it doesn't really bother me yet............unless it starts causing problems like corrosion. I have run this boat in all types of conditions. I usually get 22 or so mph @ 4000.
Same issue with my 2014 2520xld on the spray... Water shoots straight up

Seam behind the rub rail pours water into the cuddy cabin ( same thing on my 2009 2520)

Have gone through 5 livewell pumps in a year & a half and finally was told by Rule that the factory installed scoop style through hull is not to be used on that livewell pump ( says so on the pump) all factory installed.

Anchor light snapped in rough seas

Magnetic transom door holder rotted, desintergrated, then stained the deck with rust.

Numerous other smaller issues I just wouldn't expect in a 100k+ boat

I also emailed Parker to obtain replacement parts ....... Crickets

( I'm a 3 time Parker buyer )
The seam on the rub rail is an easy fix, just use some black marine silicone and you won't see anything and the problem is solved. I had this problem on my 2120.
Easy or not it shouldn't happen

Btw, it's not that easy..,,
You guys should call Parker and tell them you are having a similar problem. They are asking me to take off my transducer to see if the resolves the issue. They claim they just ran a 2510 dv for a prototype shoot and did not have any problems.
I agree 100% it should not happen! I am waiting to see if it happens on this boat with the stainless rub rail.
I forgot to take a photo of a section behind the transom door, wasn't happy with what I saw while cleaning up from a mahi massacre the other day
When I had an issue with a leak in my Jeeps hard top, I didn't deal with the factory, I dealt with my local dealer to resolve the issue.
Why should any issue with a boat be any different? That is exactly why manufacturers have a dealer network.

Further... person to person voice communication is always better than email.
If you have an issue, call your dealer first, and give them an opportunity to service the product(s) they sell.
It's how business works.
I visited my dealer today an told him about the cowling deal and also this problem underneath the gunnel by the transom door. Hopefully at the end of the season they will fix it for me. Underneath the gunnel in front of the live well and fish box most of the fiberglass is unfinished and needs attention as well.


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My dealer no longer sells Parker & I don't feel right bringing this stuff upon the next closest dealer... I e mailed Parker to find out the brands of broken items as I can't find them at west marine or any online.... I just want to buy them & move on. Crickets .....

Btw... Just remembered, the fresh water hasn't worked since day 1 too

My boat is a year & 4 months old and I'm a 3 time Parker owner, this is just not the quality that I was use to on my previous 2 2520's

That looks awful under the gunell !!!! I'm afraid to look at mine .
Also, what ever is causing water to shoot up like that is not from the result of an "add on". My boat has an in hull transducer & nothing has been added or changed....

Anyway it's a Yamaha F300 issue ??
They had a 2820 right in front of the dealership and the first thing I did was look on that boat. It was all gel coated so before the boat gets splashed next season they will be sending their mobile repair man to spray gelcoat and fix it properly.
On my 2120 it was about 3 months into ownership and after the first hot day I opened the cabin door and the entire monkey fur on the ceiling was sagging. It took a lot of back and forth to get that issue fixed. In fact another dealer had to step in and do the repair because my dealer wanted it sent back to the factory.
I think it needs more than gelcoat, it looks like body filler ? (Bondo)
052520":1ezr65go said:
I think it needs more than gelcoat, it looks like body filler ? (Bondo)

That's exactly what I thought it was, dealer said it was a fiberglass filler..............which wasn't gelcoated. I know you really can't see that area unless you look under but that shouldn't have got past quality control. My dealer knows me now and we have a good working relationship so I am sure it will be taken care of.
Snapped s picture of my "spray" today
Flat calm, trim at 4 bars on the Yamaha gauge....
I believe the engines lower unit is causing this but not sure why.
Must be a combo of hull, bracket, & engine
Looking forward to that go pro idea


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Wow, that stinks. I wonder if Parker sea trials these new designs before they mass produce? i.e. different bracket options/designs, motor heights, weights, etc.
Surely they must, but no one ever picked up on this issue? Strange indeed. I hope this does not end up with an expensive alternative solution for you guys. Someone GoPro the spray coming off the cavitation plate? Bracket? Elsewhere?
Seeing this pic, it really makes me think it's coming from the V in the bracket due to the angle of the spray? Get a go pro on a Selfe stick and that should solve the mystery. I think when she starts to squat it's hitting that V? Good luck figuring this out.
I dared to look !


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