Does anybody have Linwood's e mail address?

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2013
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Deltaville Virginia
I would like to send Linwood an email to express my displeasure with Parkers response or lack of response to some issue I believe I am having with my boat. I realize that they may believe they are not real issues but when you spend over $100k on a boat it would be nice for the factory to respond to a question and concern about the boat rather then just sending an email to your dealer telling you to go pound sand.

What's your displeasure ? I spent $100k + myself and am not so thrilled with the product / responses...
Lots of little things that I can live with. Screws left out here and there, clamp not secured on the livewell so it just drained into the deck. Nothing major and the dealer fixed it for me. What I am concerned about is that at certain speeds there is spray that comes from under the motor onto the cowling. Even the dealer said it is more then they have seen on any other boat. When I sent a note to Parker through their website they did not even respond to me but instead sent a note to the dealer saying there was nothing wrong and if there was it was from the transducer. I can safely say they is no way it's from the transducer. So I am left to work this issue out myself or have water spray on my cowering everytime I go out. The dealer raised the motor on his dime to see if it would help but it made it worse. He has given up helping resolve the issue. I don't blame him since Parker will not pay to have the issue resolved. The dealerand has been very helpful throughout the process. Parker on the other hand has taken a hands off approach.

I even told them in the e mail that this is my second new boat purchase from them in the last 5 years but it did not buy me a response from them much less help.

Here is a video of the motor in the creek. In rough water it is a much worse problem.
It looks like it's coming from your bracket, maybe the center section. Your wake is dirty. Just curious about a bunch of things....
1. Do you have the 12x20" trim tabs?
2. Are the tabs fully retracted when this is happening? If not, about what setting?
3. What RPM/speed is it happening?
4. What engine trim setting do you have it on when the spray occurs?
5. Does this only happen when you have a full fuel load/bait well?
6. Where is your transducer mounted?
7. Do you have a 2520/2530?
There may be someone here that can at least help you figure out what is going on.
Good luck?
shawnee83":39a1fglq said:
It looks like it's coming from your bracket, maybe the center section. Your wake is dirty. Just curious about a bunch of things....
1. Do you have the 12x20" trim tabs?
2. Are the tabs fully retracted when this is happening? If not, about what setting?
3. What RPM/speed is it happening?
4. What engine trim setting do you have it on when the spray occurs?
5. Does this only happen when you have a full fuel load/bait well?
6. Where is your transducer mounted?
7. Do you have a 2520/2530?
There may be someone here that can at least help you figure out what is going on.
Good luck?

I have the standard trim tabs that came with the boat ( 2510)
It happens when the tabs are both up and down.
I have trimmed the engine at various settings all the way up and the spray still occurs
I believe it happens with a full load and not but I usually operate with more the a half tank of fuel
Transducer is a thru hull mounted about 2ft away from the transom.
The problem occurs when the boat is operated at about 4000 rpm. At that rate I am getting about 15 kts. The issue is troubling when it is rough and you need to slow the boat down to this speed. This is when it is most pounced. The platform is mounted on a v shaped bracket. I was thinking this is where the water was coming from but when I look closely it seems to be coming from the prop. I do think the bracket has something to do with it.
It would be interesting to see if you could somehow get a GoPro on a stick under the bracket at speed and take a look. I might suggest starting a new thread "Any new 2510 Owners" to see if its a common issue, and if it's unique to you boat, get detailed pictures of other boats under the bracket and compare to yours. Do you have a trailer? if so, and if it were me, after you're done for the season I would haul the boat to NC drop it off at Parker, flip them the keys and tell them to call you when it's fixed. Good luck.


What is causing the spray where my cursor is (and on the other side as well)?

It appears that the spray where my cursor is is the right hand side of a "V" and the corresponding left side is hitting the lower unit, and the same for the starboard side of the boat. I sure don't remember those on my 2510, but it was older.
That spray where the pointer is coming from is a result of the trim tabs. I will try the go pro idea this weekend and post. I really hope I can get this resolved because I love the way this boat rides and beast on the sloppy days in the bay. Here are a few pictures of under the boat


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Seems the trim taps are directing spray that it hitting the lower unit and causing the problem. (??)

Have a picture of the tabs?
I don't think that the trim tabs are directing the water because they are so far from the lower unit and when they are all the way up the problem still exists. Maybe it is 18kts at 4000 rpm but not much more. The Cbay is never flat where I boat so that slows you down as well.
Agreed, looking at the Yamaha performance bulletins, I see a 2520 XL (MV) with a single 300 that turned 30.8mph at 4000k rpm using a 14 1/2 x 19 prop. 15 knots is ~17mph. The video sure looks like he's going faster that that. Perhaps its a typo and meant 25 knots.
The boat is a 2510DV and I am no where near 30MPH at 4000RPM. Maybe 20MPH if there is a stiff wind behind me. The video shows the boat coming up on plane and up to full throttle then back down to about 3500RPM. I don't think the boat would stay on plane much under 4000RPM.
Curious, what's the RPM and speed at WOT? What size prop, factory prop? I see you mentioned that raising the motor made it worse, but it looks in the picture like it's all the way down. I found a performance bulletin for a 2520DV w/ 300 that clocked 26.1 MPH at 4k with a 15x17 prop. good luck
Given the transducer is directly inline with prop (albeit 2 feet), could the transducer be creating turbulence for the prop at certain speeds and thus the prop is creating the extra spray?
Who is your dealer? Dare Marina? If so I know that Mike has given it his best shot. I bought my boat through Dare Marina because I've dealt with them almost 20 years in my business as a marine surveyor. I don't have any experience with Garrret's, the other area dealer.

Don't feel like you are all alone in not being able to exchange email with anyone at Parker. For whatever reason, Parker does not want ANYONE to have their email addresses. It is obviously company policy. I've been a marine surveyor 28 years. Dealt with them several times on insurance claims on Parker boats. Made two factory visits while my boat was being built. Met Linwood. And I don't have a single email address for anyone in the company. They just don't want their customers sending them email.

Call the plant and ask for Eric Denton. He is their engineering guy. Explain your problem. Ask him for his email address so you can email that video and see what happens. I would really be interested in what you hear.
I have a 2015 2510 with twin 150's. If I remember correctly, at 4000 RPM I am running about 23-24 MPH. I did have a significant 'squat' at low RPMs, but nothing like the spray that you show. I lasted this way for about 10 hours, then took Grouper Jim's and Shawnee's advice and added Permatrims on each engine. It made a HUGE difference in the way that the boat handles, planes at 8-9 MPH and allows me to move the bow anyway I need. It even increased my fuel efficiency slightly.
I will get some numbers and pictures together and post at the end of the weekend. From your pictures, I really think that it is the height of the transducer fairing block that is causing the 'tail', unless you have water in the bracket causing the transom to squat more. I don't think it has anything to do with the tabs; I don't have a problem.
I received a callback from Linwood this afternoon and Parker is back on the case trying to resolve my issue. Apparently the technician who sent the response originally is no longer working with them so I got lost in the shuffle. If they find a resolve I will let the board know incase somebody else has the same issue.
Grasping at straws here but first I'd say that the transducer block could be causing the disturbance?? Second, again grasping here, but it looked like in the vid that your starboard side was worse when she starts to squat on the throttle down?? Do you have a under mount swim ladder on that side? Lastly, back to the water in the bracket question??? It still looks like the center section is really digging in and causing the water to spray off the underside of the bracket?? Please let us know how things turn out. Sorry for you that you are dealing with this on a brand new boat. Especially one that is not inexpensive by any measure. Good luck with getting a resolution.