Hot off the press: New 26CC

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Hi Palagic2530, did you post a 'preview' of a proposed prototype of a 'new' 2830 here? At least I thought it was in this thread? Maybe and older post?

Good catch šŸ˜‚ I edited the post. After some more research I found that it was from 2011; apparently it never came to fruition.

However, very recently a few pictures of a new 2830 have come up on FB. Iā€™ll see if I can scare them up. At least one other member on here seemed like they had the inside scoop on the prototype, but as far as I know nothing has been officially released yet.
Good catch šŸ˜‚ I edited the post. After some more research I found that it was from 2011; apparently it never came to fruition.

However, very recently a few pictures of a new 2830 have come up on FB. Iā€™ll see if I can scare them up. At least one other member on here seemed like they had the inside scoop on the prototype, but as far as I know nothing has been officially released yet.
You had me all excited there for a few minutes! That 2830 that you 'flash-posted' (ā˜ŗ) had some nice features, but I'd like to see what the 'new Parker company' would do with a new 2830... Maybe they'd be smart enough to get input from ClassicParker folks..
I like it. It will be out of my price range but, if I was in the market for a boat in this size range it would definitely get a closer look.
The battery switches are inside the transom door.
Edit. I like that the transom door doesn't stick out into the cockpit a few inches when open.
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Looks like it will be $200+ with options. Anyone know if itā€™s the 2501 hull ? Specs look the same but 3000 lbs heavier !
Wow. Thatā€™s a 26ā€™? I donā€™t understand why designers donā€™t value the ratio of working space against amenity count. That boat has so many edges and surfaces that after 5 years of use everything will be beat up and out of alignment. Itā€™s difficult to use, to clean, and just overall have a positive experience of ownership. The boat will not grow on you. It will annoy you. Also better watch those toes with those hatches everywhere. The coffin box is good. Ditch the moldy dirty floor boxes. I do like the glass enclosure at the console. Looks like they saw what Grady and Boston whaler have been doing for years. And yes, where are the gauges? Just a few is all you need, not OMC 1992 style. Yamaha 2010 style. Please. Also whenever I see rigging hoses on a platform that goes into the horizontal surface, I just see water intrusion. Carry the pen to the transom up higher. It blocks the walking surface but itā€™s high and dry. The latest fashion pull over shirts look like a last minute grab from the leftover box apparel. And that steering wheel, trash, gut bruiser. Do these guys even run their boats in a head see for 90 minutes? Take a look at a mako 20 from 1975, they figured it out.
Keep it simple and true. Like it used to be. Focused. Deliberate, and long lasting and then I would buy it.
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I bet that boat has about 250 gallons of usable fish storage space.

Lots of opinions here on just about everything in the video, including the apparel they choose to wear šŸ˜‚.

My thoughts are that the New Parker management is trying to stay in the game.

Every sport cabin boat manufacture in the USA offers ample fish and gear storage. Except Parker until now.

Sorry if I offend anyone but the new (2014 plus) transom storage box with the door and live well is a freaking JOKE!!!! Then they SCAB it in on the gunnel and run a bead of calking on the joint. If youā€™re happy with that, my hat is off to you. But it looks like ****!!!

So I see the new upgrades as a positive.

My only real knock is lack of fuel capacity.

Where I live and fish we need to be able to haul heavy loads in rough conditions and go far. 60 miles one way to fish for tuna is typical. So we need larger fuel capacity.