Mini-Tower ????

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Got a guy coming this sunday (or so he says).. but you can still have her !!... Steal her back for $1200.
Got alot of hits off Craig's List.. But these people are NUTS !!!
Kidcochiese":3rcee75k said:
That is awesome..

JC, I spoke w/eddie he said it would cost $4500-ish to fabricate the minitower, that's with nothing, no sun shade .. That's gonna hurt $$$$

21pilothouse, let's find something local??

ok,sounds good to me

Those towers are impressive! They really add to the Parkers looks.

Not to derail, but I just clicked on the link to Randmade rods. Those are fanatastic looking rods! Incredible!
21pilothouse":1vo0ydhq said:
ok,so where to get these towers?i guess they come off for trailering--


Check out page one and you'll see several types including pics of mine up and folded down for trailering. Pacific Yacht and Mariner and two very good tower sources in Southern Califonia. Randy.
I have a guy (GW Performance Welding), I met him @ the A.C. show and is located in Northfield NJ. He is building me a tower the same as the one Parker shows on their 28, complete w/ sun shade & a $800.00 control box (no controls). $4100! If the box comes in on time, it will be done by 3/15. Hopefully I will be posting nice pictures soon after! :lol: