Parker 2310 deep v

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Oct 1, 2006
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Need some help on finding out if my 1996 2310 walkaround is a deep v hull. Boat is in the water and I am trying find out. Does anybody know how to find out. Thanks
I believe all 23' cabins were/are deep V.s (21 degrees). When you step on the gunnel to get in, does the boat "dip" or "lean" ? If so, deep V.

You could also check angle of hull in bilge.
I believe you could also send an email to the Parker Factory ([email protected]), or call them at 252-728-5621 and give them your Hull ID #. They should be able to tell you what model you have.
Parker did make a Mod V 2310. I looked at an older one about 5 years ago but I don't remember what year it was. It had a older 2 stroke 150 on it.