Parker parts sucks!

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Active member
Nov 5, 2021
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I just want to buy the decals for the rear of my 2009 1801 boat, each side. You know, it says, PARKER. You would think I could just call the local dealer or Parker and buy it, right? Nope. Local dealer says I need to send them an email with the vessel I.D. # and a pic of the decal. REALLY?
Love my boat, HATE trying to buy parts. Been thru this before trying to buy backrests for the rear seats. Couldn't even get them to return an email and when I called got the run around. Never could get a price. RIDICULOUS!!!
Just so you know... this is not just a Parker issue. I'm a marine surveyor. Can't tell you how many times repair shops and owners have had this problem because parts change from year to year. A decal from 2009 is not the decal they are using now. They don't have the 2009 decals and have no idea where to buy them. The supplier from back then no longer makes them because Parker isn't buying them anymore. For the supplier, it doesn't make sense to keep something in stock (or even the pattern) because somebody MIGHT call 14 years later and want to buy one. Especially since you would expect to buy it for $15.99. :>)