Recommendations to stop swim platform rattle

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2020
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I have a 2300 DVCC with a bracket and the swim platform rattles like crazy. It's pretty obvious what's making the noise, it's two plastic washers that slide on the platform. Any ideas how to fix this?
My 2019 2300 does it as well at idle. I am going to experiment with thick bungee cord
I'm going to send pictures later. It may be that I can just tighten everything up and the rattle may stop. That would be a very lame end to this thread!
I have the same "rattle" but I'm beginning to think its the plastic covering over the engine control & gas lines vibrating against the swim platform as it only does it during very low RPM's
Like PKS- if my ladder isn’t solidly compressed into the spring- loaded “latch”- i get a funky rattle
Take your prop to a good prop shop and get it tuned/balanced. That will get rid of the vibration/source of the noise. No need to chase the problem if you eliminate the source.
Same rattle on my 2017 2300 idling out of the marina. Can mess with it a little and it stops. Seems to just be a little slop in it.