Sharrow Props, Worth the $$$$

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2022
Reaction score
Hampton Roads Va
Saw an ad for Sharrow Props the other day. Lots of big fuel burn, mpg, speed promises.

Design looks intriguing. So, anyone with real world experience with them, first or second hand?

Looks like nearly $5k for a prop.
Saw an ad for Sharrow Props the other day. Lots of big fuel burn, mpg, speed promises.

Design looks intriguing. So, anyone with real world experience with them, first or second hand?

Looks like nearly $5k for a prop.
I think that, for the $5k investment, there are probably better ways to increase performance.

I’m fairly skeptical of new “miracle” inventions like these that pop up in the recreational market with no obvious correlation to any commercial industry equivalent. If there were ways to increase the performance of a propeller to the degree claimed by this product, I’d imagine the companies and organizations that are running propellers on commercial vessels, that operate 24/7/365 and for whom fuel cost is a major operational expense, would be using something with similar engineering. But they’re not.

Seems a bit snake-oily to me.